View Full Version : season starting?

03-17-04, 03:12 PM
When do the snakes and turtles emerge? Does it have to be a specific temperature for about a week or something? I'm in ottawa if that makes a difference. Thanks


03-18-04, 01:24 AM
I usually see the garters come out when the temperature starts to average 10 degrees. I'll have to take a look to see if I have any other temp. records in my notes.

03-18-04, 02:41 AM
Here are some notes from last spring:

"Tuesday, March 25, 2003
On the way home from work tonight (0200hrs) I stopped for 5 mins. to listen for frogs, but heard nothing except for a few Canada Geese (Branta canadensis). I continued home on Airport Rd. and came across a single N. Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) in the middle of the road. I tried to prompt it across the road with my foot, but it would not move. I picked the frog up (which felt quite cold) and it remained still untill I placed it on the ground in the ditch. The temperature was +3 and there was a slight drizzle of rain."

"Monday, April 14, 2003
Monday April 14th
16 degrees
Partly overcast
25km/hr winds

8 Painted turtles basking, mostly in the 2-3 inch range, one was approx. 5 inches

—Stewart Stick at 3:48 PM"

You can read more field notes from myself and other Canadian (and one American) here at
The Herp Journal (http://www.ontarioherpers.org/herpjournal)