View Full Version : does my cham not like hisset-up or too hot?

Pet with a tail
03-17-04, 12:40 AM
my veiled will not go near his lights if the day time heat light ison he will go to the other side of thecage, if his night time heat light is on he goes to the other side....he sleeps good at night and he isnt stressed could itbe he is just at the right temperature, i mist him veryoften and his plants....do you knowwhy he would do this?

03-17-04, 12:42 AM
maybe his cage is too hot and hees trying to get away from the heat? waht are the temps?

03-17-04, 01:02 AM
Normally when any reptile refuses to sit on or near the heat its because its too hot, its NOT normal for a chameleon to refuse basking, they are avid avid baskers. Get an accurate thermometer (NOT the ones at the pet store, try wal-mart or home depot)


03-17-04, 01:07 AM
how many watts?, how bigs the cage


Pet with a tail
03-17-04, 01:08 AM
im only using 60 watt heating bulbs and a flourescent buld.....so i dont think its to hot but my thermometer broke yesterday so could the heat get warmer in one day??

Pet with a tail
03-17-04, 01:09 AM
the cage is pretty big....4 ft tall 3 ft wide....i am working on building a new one 5 ft tall ....::sighs::

03-17-04, 11:21 AM
Is there enough foilage for him to feel safe basking in the area under the light? The more foilage the better. Even if you have to stock up with fake plants from the dollar store.
Have you ever seen him bask?
How long have you had him?
Have you just changed his set up, or moved him to a new cage?
Sorry if my questions are redundant. :)

03-17-04, 04:23 PM
Yea more info is needed what kind of cage do u have what are the temps ect... that cage u currently have should be big enough although bigger is better.:)

Pet with a tail
03-17-04, 09:19 PM
the cage i built myself there isspider plants and pothos plants i use cage carpeting lots of sticks for climbing i have some under his night and day heating lights he only moves when he sleeps and nowhe is basking himself...so i think he just likes being way cooler when he sleeps....orisit justhe feels safer near mewhen he sleeps cause hesleeps near the end toward my bed??

Pet with a tail
03-17-04, 09:20 PM
oh and ive had him a few weeks....butall theresearch ive done is not giving me answers as towhy hewould sleep out of his basking light area....

03-17-04, 09:24 PM
He is going to sleep where he is cumphy. soem of my chams sleep in the exact same spots every night soem up high some down low some sleep behimg pots to hide, it depends on where they like it has nothing to do with temps really.

03-17-04, 09:26 PM
Oh and he is not basking because he is not cold your temps could be a bit high. hope that helps

Pet with a tail
03-17-04, 09:44 PM
thank you for all the help you guys....:) oh and if you know of anyone or any sites selling baby bearded dragons let me know....thanks bunches ~*pet with a tail*~

03-17-04, 11:25 PM
wuts the room temp??


Pet with a tail
03-18-04, 02:06 AM
the room temperature is around 75F its the hottest room in the house....

Pet with a tail
03-18-04, 02:08 AM
he is basking now i dont know i think putting my humidifier on normal helped

03-18-04, 02:10 AM
hmmm that might be why, get a lower watt, its 24 degree C, with a 60 watt going im guessing 28??? correct me lol im not sure. But i dont think thats the problem, can you get a lower watt? and try it out, cause it just might seem a little hot in my opinon.
