View Full Version : Feeding response

03-17-04, 12:35 AM
Well, I put in a hopper tonight with my 18 inch male.
I feed in his enclosure, usually when he's in his hide and can't see me. So tonight he was under a piece of paper towel and I slipped his dinner in. So I waited and he wasn't tasting the air or anything, so I decided to take the hopper and lift the towel just a little bit (probably a stupid idea). He seen the food and went absolutely crazy, he usually will see my hand and back up (I didn't realize he was going to see my hand) but this time he backed up and came for the food, so I dropped the hopper and left him be. He gobbled it down quite quickly and went to his hide.

My question is, will he now associate(sp?) me with food now and try and attack me after tonight? Or does it take multiple times of feeding and him seeing me hand him food for him to think everytime I put my hand in it's diner?

He had an incredible feeding response tonight. Like I said, most the time I drop it in and let him find it when he tastes the air and realizes food is near. This time he went after it like he hasn't eaten for years.

One other question was this. I recently thought of feeding in a different enclosure like most people have suggested to me. But I just feel like it would feel a little creepy picking him up after he's eaten and he has a lump in him. That and will he be a little upset that I would be disturbing him after he's eaten? I find that if he has something in his belly like my recent post he's a little agressive. Will him just eating cause this same behaviour(sp?)?

Thanks everyone:)

03-17-04, 06:47 AM
the thnig i do with my jungle corn, is use these yellow tongs, and dangle the food in front ofhim, so he cant get me, but as soon as he sees the tongs he knows its action time. and when i put my hands in he isnt aggressive. he has an awesome feeding response and coils up when eating most meals.

03-17-04, 06:54 AM
I personally don't think that he will associate your hand with food unless the ONLY time you put your hand in there is to feed him. And I'm sure you handle him once in a while.

Corns seem to be pigs. If only mine were big enough to accept the rejections from my BP's everything would be great! lol.

My corn seems aggressive right after a meal is because she is still in feeding mode, and just sees my hand as another meal, as big as it may be. She is on aspen, and I put her on newspaper to feed. So when she is done (unless she makes a mess, which she hasn't done yet) I just slide her off the paper, and put the top back on.

03-17-04, 08:46 AM
he wont if u only did it once i would get yourself some tongs and feed that way from now on its safer and u will never have to worry about any of that again