09-11-02, 12:04 PM
Attention all Varanid enthusiats, has created a new forum sticktly for Varanid talk, information and sharing. I just wanted to make everyone aware of the new forum and encourage all who have the same love as I, for these wonderful lizards, to comeon over and join in.
Also, I will be attending the Metro Toronto Reptile Swap this Sunday and encourage everyone to come on out and say hi. The show looks like it's building up to be the best of the year (as the fall show often is) and I will have a number of displays to see as well as animals for sale.
I look forward to meeting you at the show!
JonK has created a new forum sticktly for Varanid talk, information and sharing. I just wanted to make everyone aware of the new forum and encourage all who have the same love as I, for these wonderful lizards, to comeon over and join in.
Also, I will be attending the Metro Toronto Reptile Swap this Sunday and encourage everyone to come on out and say hi. The show looks like it's building up to be the best of the year (as the fall show often is) and I will have a number of displays to see as well as animals for sale.
I look forward to meeting you at the show!