View Full Version : Sonoran Desert Boas

03-16-04, 07:00 PM
Anybody have any info on these guys I come up empty on google as far as care sheets/articles are concerned. Have you guys ever kept these? If so Id love to hear what your experience is with them.

03-16-04, 07:35 PM
I have sonorans. There is a simple caresheet up on my site: http://www.lowergroundreptiles.net that is all the information I was able to find.

What kind of information are you wanting to know about them?

03-16-04, 07:59 PM
Well Chaos that care sheet has been the most info I have seen as of yet on Sonorans. Thanks alot for that. Any idea where I might find some cbb Sonorans?

03-16-04, 09:48 PM
I'm guessing you are probably in Canada, so unfortunately.. no. I should have some babies here in June or July, but I'm in America :)


03-16-04, 10:19 PM
Hey Chaos:

Dude I live in new jersey LOL

03-16-04, 11:48 PM
ah! proved me wrong then! :) Sorry, most everyone on here is in Canada! :) heh

Well, keep in touch, my female just went into her post-ovulation shed. You can also check out my site: http://www.lowergroundreptiles.net - I try to update it often, but as I said before, no babies are expected until June or July. :)
