View Full Version : Favorite video game
What's your favorite video game.
Is there any fellow battlefield 1942 junkies aboard.
The best game ever made, more addictive than crack.:bugged:
03-16-04, 01:36 PM
starcraft for pc or zelda: ocarnia of time I look back and think ****** graphics but that game was hrs of countless fun
03-16-04, 01:41 PM
probably Need for Speed Underground or the Gran Turismo series. i am a big car junky especially when it comes to imports and old classic cars!
03-16-04, 01:48 PM
I like Turok Evolution for the PS2 - nice & gorey :D
That, and I'm a huge Sims fan... also like the Zoo Tycoon. o.o;
03-16-04, 01:51 PM
NHL 2002 :) i play that to much because i havnt bought 2004 yet...but my leafs are up to date :)
03-16-04, 02:02 PM
I don't play them any more but I think two of the coolest games ever made were Star Control 2 and Syndicate. Half Life kicked butt, not just for the gameplay but for the mod community it inspired.
For you younger whippersnappers Syndicate was made by Bullfrog, Peter Molyneux's old company before he left to form Lionhead and make Black&White (the game where you get to potty train giant animals and sacrifice people from your email address book).
Best Free Game: America's Army.
Favorite Genre: Shooters, especially tactical ones like CS, Raven Shield, Ghost Recon.
Best Mod Ever: Rocket Arena for Quake 3 :)
I didn't really get into Battlefield 1942, but probably because by the time I got it everyone I knew that played it had burned out on it after playing it for 3 weeks straight.
The office craze at the moment is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but I'm guessing that with UT2004 hitting shelves this week we'll be seeing an improved version of the Red Orchestra mod released, with vehicle support. And that will truely rock :)
Favorite of all time?
Zelda (super nintendo)
Super Mario 3 (nintendo)
Super Mario World (nintendo)
Voo Doo Vince (xbox)
Grand Theft Auto (PS)
Donkey Kong (gameboy).<-- this game saved me at work when things were slow.
Any Coleco/Intellevision game, Just cause the graphics are so cheezy.
Oh yeah, and there is this game, but I cant remember the name of it. It was for this system called Odyssey. You were this little martian thing and you had to bite of the tail of this weird snake thing.
I think that's it.
03-16-04, 02:26 PM
Best Game of all Time : Doom & Doom 2
Game I played the longest: Ultima Online (4 years straight)
Favorite current game: UT2004 (Been playing the demo, great game)
Looking forward too: Halflife 2 & Doom 3
But I have to say the one game that has kept my interest for ever is Addams Family Pinball best game by far.
03-16-04, 02:59 PM
Zelda (SNES)
Tetris & Dr. Mario (SNES)
Final Fantasy 7 (PSX)
Star Fox (SNES)
Tekken 3 (PSX)
Unreal Tournament (PC)
Roller Coaster Tycoon (PC)
03-16-04, 03:27 PM
warcraft 3 the frozen throne!
03-16-04, 03:40 PM
Too many to list.
Right now I'm addicted to Tetris worlds online for xbox, way too much time spent on that game.
Final fantasy series is great, oddworlds- abe's oddesye, SSX and SSX Tricky (many months spent on that game) i'm still waiting for another release for xbox live, My man can't wait for Halo 2, pretty much all the classic games we enjoy, most have been listed by someone else already.
We're pretty much hard core gamers, we have 2 tv's each with 2 systems a piece, that way when one of us is playing one system the other can play another one on the other tv. I have no clue how many games we have last count was 36 for xbox, 11 for PS2, and 6 or 7 for Game Cube. Plus we have all the versions of gameboys that still get plenty of use.
Anyone out there have xbox live????
rattler keeper
03-16-04, 03:53 PM
Vice City for PS2
03-16-04, 03:54 PM
I used to be hardcore into console, but PC games allways blow consoles out of the water.
Consoles have the edge on sports games but for FPS, RTS, Online, consoles can't compare to the PC.
03-16-04, 04:19 PM
I only had the first nintendo and have now XBOX so i could say the best game is HALO. The multiplayer is awesome, especially on System Link Capture the Flag. I can't wait for Halo kick some more alien ***!!!:D
03-16-04, 04:22 PM
I don't understand the craze behind Halo, well ok I can understand it because it was the first good FPS too include good vechiles, Tribes 2 tried but they just sucked. But I found the Halo gameplay so slugish, I couldn't get into it. UT2004 reminds me allot of what Halo is like but has a much faster paced game play which is what I like. I think if you like Halo you'll love UT 2004.
03-16-04, 04:26 PM
unreal tournament is a really good game.....but i can't seem to kill on the computer controls......kills are just too fast..Halo has stealth and strategy, more than unreal........not meant to start a flame, i just like halo better
03-16-04, 04:27 PM
Yep we have UT 2 for xbox but Halo i can only say one word WOWWWWWWW.... I don't play first shooter games myself (because i suck at having both hands on both directional pads, many funny times laughing my butt off at myself in mech assult) But i like watching them because of the graphics.
I refuse teaching my boyfriend how to use a computer because he will find out how much better the graphics are on the PC (it's my little secret Shhhhh). LOL
03-16-04, 04:31 PM
I can't be bothered with the PC gaming myself as it seems to require you to significantly upgrade your computer every 6 months or so.
Vice City for PS2 is probably the best game ever I think. Huge map, tons of vehicles (the army chopper is just unholy), racing, fist fighting, car jacking, stunts, the ability to run around murdering hundreds of people at random without being tied down to a rigid, structured game. You just play this game your own way and it never seems to stop being fun. The only thing it's missing is a way to buy, sell and swap vehicles and properties which would make the money more than just your score. Never have I seen another game that has so many dimensions.
Lately I've been playing Downhill Domination for PS2. It's a super fun downhill mountain biking game with insanely big maps with crazy drops and amazing speed. You can also assault the other racers a la Road Rash (remember that one?). You can pick your bike from a bunch of real ones as well as upgrade the parts as you collect cash.
Can't pick just one. Here's a few. Chrono Trigger, Zelda (SNES), Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 2 & 3 (US), Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Quake III CTF, Devil May Cry, my god I could go on forever...
mega bomber man, 3D sonic, road rash, lion king on sega
almost any racing game especialy offroad 2 on playstation
and i love zoo tycoon and sims
Lets see, i really liked the resident evil games and the dino crisis games were wicked too. Have been playing Need for Speed Underground lately, really nice game, cewl soundtrack too. I also liked the command & conquer series. Thats about it :D
03-16-04, 05:55 PM
My top 5 all time favs:
1. Castlevania - Symphony Of The Night (PSX)
2. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
3. Motocross Madness 2 (PC)
4. Jackal (NES)
5. GTA - Vice City (PS2)
03-16-04, 06:26 PM
Definately Manhunt for PS2
03-16-04, 09:19 PM
Lot of UT fans here cool :)
Yeah, it kicks Halo's *** :P
jim mcallister
03-16-04, 09:41 PM
Best game ever is Space Armada for the intellivision released in 1980. The old games were so basic and much fun!! Asteroids is up there too (Atari) !! :) ooh yeah don't forget about pong!!!
for PC the BEST OF ALL is
Battlefield 1942
I just got Battlefield vietnam today and so far its amazing. Nothing beats playing with 64 guys in one all out battle of land sea ans air all at once.
03-16-04, 09:57 PM
NES Games
Blaster Master
Castlevania 1-3
G.I. Joe
Ikari Warriors
Mega Man 1-4
Ninja Gaiden 1-3
River City Ransom
Skate or Die 1 and 2
TMNT 1-3 (aint to bad eh)
Wrestling (the one with Star Man)
Zelda 1 and 2
Thats about all that comes to mind right now.....
SNES Games
Chrono Trigger
Fatal Fury 1-3
Legend of Zelda
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Super Metroid
Any other systems...depends. I like Quake, Doom, Gran Turismo and some of the "Fighting Games", but nothing gets my attention like the others I mentioned.
HOLY there are some real throwbacks. lol.
Alot of good games mentioned some that I forgot even exsisted.
Jeff T- You da man. Watch out for Major Medals.:hammer:
C.M.pyrrhus- I had that wrestling game, i think it was called Pro wrestling. I was always the green dude
03-16-04, 11:11 PM
We just got "the Suffering" for XBox last friday and it's pretty nifty so far. Really liked the "Abe" series of games on PS and now XBox. Enjoyed Syphon Filter series as well- though the stealth missions got old after a while.
On the PC it's Starcraft, Pharaoh, Caesar, Zoo Tycoon (silly I know but who can pass up dinosaurs?), and occasional bouts of UT 2003 with the hubby to decide who takes out the trash... ;)
It's a tie for me between Resident Evil 1 (remastered version for Gamecube) and Resident Evil 0. Can't wait for Resident Evil 4 (whenever they decide to release it).
Donkey Kong is the best game ever made, all 4-bit graphics of it.
Grand Theft Auto 3
Delta Force Land Warrior (online)
Quake 3
Battlefield 1942
Double J
03-17-04, 12:17 AM
I have always been a big Final Fantasy fan..... and I have been with it since day one. I am not one of these guys who became a fan when it hit PSX (not that there is anything wrong with that)...... it's all about the original... Classic. The SNES Final Fantasy games were the pinnacle of the series.... but Chrono Trigger... I consider this the greatest game of all time. Here is my list of my personal faves in order.
1) Chrono Trigger (SNES)
A Timeless classic.... absolutely flawless
2) Final Fantasy 4 (2 in North America) (SNES)
Another timeless classic... a masterpiece
3) Final Fantasy 6 (3 in NA) (SNES)
The Opera Scene was unbelievable...... Pure art
4) Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
The one that raised the bar..... an emotional ride
5) Final Fantasy 9 (PSX)
Great graphics, great characters... All in all, the best ability and weapon/equipment system
6) Final Fantasy X (PS2)
Beautiful game, great story... but I hated the weapon system
7) Xenogears (PSX)
A big, long, fun game jam-packed with plot. I love long involved games.
8)Castlevania Symphony of the Night (PSX)
A rare gem that did not get the praise it deserved. Polygons be damned... sprites forever!!!!!!!
9) Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)
Addictive...... a riot to play.. with massive replay value and great mechanics
10) Final Fantasy... the original (NES)
The one that started it all. Still immortal and lots of fun. I think it should be higher on my list.
11) Breath of Fire 3 (PSX)
Gorgeous game, great characters
12) The Quest for Glory Series (PC)
Fun, fun, fun, colorful characters and lots of spunk. This series brings back a lot of memories and a smile to my face. I think these will be the next one I reply. A special mention to QFG 2.
13) The Diablo Series
I gave too many hours of my life fighting the forces of darkness. May I give many more.
14) Drakan: The Ancient's Gates (PS2)
Gorgeous game, great gameplay, lots of exploration and seecrets. And you get to ride on a dragon!!!! A very underrated game.
15) Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
Never has a video game creeped me out so much. Flawless atmosphere.
Well.. maybe I should have put the Final Fantasy series into one section.. but I feel all the ones I mentioned had their individual strengths. The only one I didn;t like was Final Fantasy 8. Horrid horridm horrid. I hated the junction system, and I hated the weapon system. The characters wer good, but the mechanics were so wacky I couldn't continue.
Honorable mentions go to:
Adventure Island 2 (NES)
The Zelda series (especially a link to the past)
Castlevania 3 (NES)
Dragon Warrior 2 (NES)
Knights of the Round (SNES)
The Star Wars games for the SNES
Double J
03-17-04, 09:14 AM
Homeworld and Counter-Strike.
Jeff Hathaway
03-17-04, 03:28 PM
Love UT! Can't wait to see the new one. Won't run on my computer though:-) Hope I can afford to upgrade in the fall.
Hey Cruciform, I loved Star Control as well- the Arilou Skiff rocked!
Other PC favorites- recent (by my standards)- Total Annihilation, StarCraft
-older- Wing Commander, Ultima Series around #5 (9 sucked)
-ancient- Zork I and II, Wizardry I (for the Apple II), Raid on Bungeling Bay and Heart of Africa (C64), Ladybug (Colecovision), Sea Battle (Intellivision)
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
03-18-04, 11:21 AM
"Darkness...the whole town is being consumed by darkness."
does this give you a clue about wich game made me shiver for many nights?
Tony Hawk Underground - the best game EVER!!!
03-18-04, 01:00 PM
For those of you who liked Unreal Championship on the XBox, UC2 is being previewed on Homelan.
We don't have anything to do with it this time around though. It's all Epics baby this time. They're adding hand to hand combat, and changing the gameplay a bit. I hope they get some better models too :)
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