View Full Version : Does anyone have

03-16-04, 12:27 AM
Pictures of infertile and fertile gecko ( leopard ) or bearded dragon eggs?

I can't tell on one clutch of dragon eggs :( They look nothing like the two clutches, but I'm hanging in and hoping.

At what point do I KNOW for sure they are not good? They were laid on the 4th. No mold.

If you have pics I'd definately appreciate seeing some :)


03-16-04, 11:45 AM
Have you tried candling them? I wasn't able to find any good pics of my leo eggs, besides which I think I only took pics of the freakishly large, weirdly coloured one....lmao :p Either way. Do they smell bad? Animals still hatch out of gross looking moldy eggs so even then it doesn't really mean they are bad. If they develop a severely foul odour in addition to looking totally rotten, that's a good indication that they aren't good. The best way of knowing is by canlding though ;)