View Full Version : Full Spectrum for BRB?

03-15-04, 02:57 AM
I was just cruising around the net and looking at caresheets for BRB and one that I noticed on LLL reptile ( www.lllreptile.com ) stated that BRBs needed full spectrum lighting. Is this true? I thought that they were terrestrial and nocturnal. Why would they need such lighting? If so it's an easy fix but I wanna know what everyone else thinks before I make an unnecessary mod. to my setups.

Thanks, Brent

PS I cant wait!! The BRBs will be here next wednesday after I get back from Florida! Hoping to see some herps while I'm there but no guarantees as it is not exactly scheduled into the plans!

03-15-04, 03:07 AM
I'll give you a hint:

BRB's are fully NOCTURNAL snakes that live at the bottom of a very very closed-canopy rainforest.

03-15-04, 03:35 AM
Yeah, I was mostly thrown off by that on their caresheet and never heard it before, I thought I'd throw it out there just in case!

Thanks Jeff!

03-15-04, 03:56 AM
Ditto to Jeff. I bred them for years, in almost total darkness, ie no cage lights whatsoever

03-15-04, 04:25 AM
No problems man. And no disrespect to LLL, but they are not breeders. I don't put much stock into what people say that haven't worked with the animals. Get your info from breeders like Roy, and you'll be FAR FAR better off.

03-15-04, 08:28 PM
would it be ok too use a wide spectrum light just to have the snake look great? I have a adult female that like to boogie around quite a bit, and she looks amazing under such lighting, although she is not the pretties BRB.

My youngsters are always hiding, so they are currently on natural lighting.


Bill T

03-15-04, 10:09 PM
The light for 8 hours during the day won't HURT the snake. The question was just whether or not UV was needed.

You COULD provide nice, expensive lighting, only if everything is correct and your snake isn't sick, it won't be viewable while the lights are on, completely defeating the purpose of the lights in the first place.

03-16-04, 09:04 PM
You COULD provide nice, expensive lighting, only if everything is correct and your snake isn't sick, it won't be viewable while the lights are on, completely defeating the purpose of the lights in the first place.

So you are saying if the snake is visible, the conditions are not optimal?
My little ones are very shy and are always hiding. The Big Girl spends a lot of time in the hide box, but she also spends time in plain view and I think she is pretty damn healthy!;) Could it be she never had a hidebox while growing ?

BT :eek: