View Full Version : new rescue case! help!!!

03-14-04, 10:56 AM
found the prettiest little black kingsnake yesterday and had to buy it because i felt so sorry for it. I think he is quite healthy but he needs help.
his skin is in really bad condition, burn and scales falling off everywhere,i think all that will heal and shed of in time.but the thing im most worried about his/her tail is broken i think :confused: heres some pics, but i dont have a vet near me or even know of one. So i was wondering if anyone could help me, or give me any tips!?!? thanks alot!

03-14-04, 11:02 AM
how do i add more attachments??!?!

03-14-04, 11:05 AM
For burns and small cuts like that, apply polysporin on a daily basis. Keep him on papertowl, in a VERY clean environment. Individual scales falling off is normal in the healing process. Again, all you can do without a vet is keep him clean, and apply polysporin twice daily.

03-14-04, 11:06 AM
Also, how is the tail broken? I cannot see from that photo. It does, however, look like there is leftover skin from previous sheds.

03-14-04, 11:09 AM
It looks like it's having a bad shed. I find what helps with sheds that aren't coming off, that a bit of time in a wet pillowcase hydrates the skin and helps it come off. I recommend you watch the snake though and take it out after a while, just in case the bag doesn't breathe and no fresh air comes in.

03-14-04, 04:58 PM
theres a tail pic

03-14-04, 05:15 PM
have u tryed using betadine on the burns??

03-14-04, 05:50 PM
yeah thats what im using at the moment. its whats on my fingers,lol! ive been applying it twice a day. When i touch her/his tail she doesnt even flich, so i dont no if it hurts or its numb. advice please!