View Full Version : buying an iguana
03-13-04, 04:21 PM
i wanna buy an iguana i no all the care stuff from sites but what they dont tell u is if there expensive so does anyone know how much and wher i can buy one
03-13-04, 04:37 PM
30 bucks at a pet store
03-13-04, 04:40 PM
Almost anywhere..thats the problem. Its good you know your stuff before your buying it though.
03-13-04, 04:40 PM
only 30!!!!
03-13-04, 04:56 PM
Yea there really cheep...have you ever been to the missisauga shows? There moving to a new place but they always have tons of can find an iguana there probably for the same price but it would be captive bred and not wild caught. Theres info about where,when all that somewhere on this site, cant remember where though.
I'm not sure you'll find anyone at the shows selling Iguanas, as they're not something that people purposely breed these days.. If you're really dead set on getting one, perhaps you should look into adopting one.. There are a lot of different shelters that take in Igs, it would be better then putting your money into a pet store register, especially for something like an iguana.. Good Luck..
03-13-04, 05:21 PM
Ditto on the adoption. These guys are just about the most commonly seen herp in general as "waste" pets. They are given up on by so many folks, that most herp societies cannot find a home for many. I would seriously look into it. You may just get a decent cage and accesories along with it. Worth a look see.
I also recommend taking a look at as far as online care goes. I would not trust much more than that, and even there care is a bit lacking per say. The green iggy society knows as much about iguanas as babies know about rocket science. IMO, Melissa Kaplan and her care will soon have you a dead iggy as well. Do not go that route ever.
Either way, good luck with the Iguana choice and hope it all comes down great for ya.
03-13-04, 05:33 PM
thanks alot and ya i really dont like pet stores so i think about adoption any ideas on wher i could adopt one in toronto
03-13-04, 05:50 PM <---- adopt iguanas through them.
03-13-04, 06:13 PM
as well as Tailwhip Iguana Rescue in kitchener. I believe we have iguanas here for adoption
03-13-04, 06:19 PM
last year when i was at a fair there was one of those game booths where you try and make the ping pong balls into one of the little fish bowls. well guess what you win if you got one of them in a bowl.
deffinately check out they always have several animals there.
03-13-04, 07:53 PM
last year when i was at a fair there was one of those game booths where you try and make the ping pong balls into one of the little fish bowls. well guess what you got if you got one of them in a bowl.
thats ****ed..i hate seeing that!
03-13-04, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by offspring
i wanna buy an iguana i no all the care stuff from sites but what they dont tell u is if there expensive so does anyone know how much and wher i can buy one
What sites have you been looking at?
There is a LOT of misinformation out there.
As well, it is not the cost of the actually iguana, but the cost of the upkeep and needs of it.
Do you have an enclosure for a 6ft lizard? Definately research and research some more before getting one. If you do decide they are for you, definately rescue one. There are so many in need of a good home. So many people mistakeningly do not research then abandon iggies, or wonder why iggies do things like
Lanalizard has one for adoption in the ads, here's a link:
Definitely adopt an iguana in need of a good home! :D
I did that myself about 6 months ago and am totally LOVING it! They can be a handful at times but also very much worth the effort.
Look at reptile rescue organizations, ask around at your local humane society and even vets and pet shops. Iguanas are the most discarded pet reptile and to save one is the BEST feeling in the world :D
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