View Full Version : Nikon vs. Canon

03-13-04, 09:58 AM
I'm thinking of buying a Canon digital rebel or a Nikon D70. Any opinions on this or should I go another route? My Nikon F is getting old. Thanks in advance.:confused:

03-13-04, 10:12 AM
check these 2 webcites out.



personally, I have bought many brands of digital cameras, and I was most surprised at how good the quality image and color image of the olympus c 4000 zoom was. I have to say with their battery life it makes this olympus camera my recommandation. Now I am just waiting to test the c-5060, within the next weeks I will get my hands on one and test it.

if you want one of the 2 you posted for, make sure that canon model isn't made of a plastic frame, cause the rings will wear off when you attach your metal lenses on it after a while and the balanced weight is off since the frame is plastic and that your lense might be metal and heavigher.

As for nikon, I know they had problems with the flash syncronisation,... don'T know if it's fixed or not, but it varies from model to model.

They are both good models, depends what you really want to do and where you will take pics (if you take it outdoors and on field trips, then the canon might break more esaly (if frame is made of plastic). As for nikon, well the flash desync might be a problem but it may already be fixed if you get one of the newer revision model.

Greg West
03-13-04, 11:28 AM
The Digital SLR cameras do not do macro pictures. It depends on what you are looking for, but if it is for closeup macro photography you would be better off gettig a camera like the nikon 5400 or the canon G5. I am assuming that pretty soon they will all have 8 mp cameras, but for now those wold be the 2 cameras that I would recommend.


03-13-04, 11:38 AM
Yes, the Canon has a plastic body. Hadn't heard about the flash sync. problem with Nikon. All this is moot if niether will do macro. however. Gotta have that. Thanks, this is a great forum. Learning alot!

03-13-04, 11:43 AM
The Olympus c-5060 does do macro shots also. The downfall are that the accessories (add on lens and adaptor to attach the lens) are a little expensive. Plus, it does take more than one media card format...

Anyhow, I am pretty sure which ever model you take today is gonna be good, the bang for the buck is pretty good at the moment on digital cameras.

Scales Zoo
03-13-04, 01:46 PM
There is an 8mb from Canon coming out in April.

I'm looking at a Canon EOS rebel also. The lenses are interchangable with a regular film SLR camera.

I thought they would be good for macro shots, with the right macro lens or filter.

www.amazon.com is where I go to compare cameras stats and prices. The customer feedback part is really good for finding out about the problems with each camera. The prices of the big Canons have really dropped in the last 6 months, and I am in severe need of an upgrade.


03-14-04, 02:53 PM
Here's a shot with macro on from a Canon digital ELPH Power Shot S110 - not sure what they are going for atm but for one a couple years old and only 2.1MP certainly not shabby. Colors come out very accurately as well.


Optimus Prime
03-14-04, 09:09 PM
Nikon makes the best lenses hands down...other then that they are about the same.

03-18-04, 07:55 AM
When you say they dont do macro pictures do you mean you cant get a macro lense to attach, or is there some other reason they wont do macro?


Big Mike
03-18-04, 10:52 AM
They don't have a macro mode, like a typical point & shoot digital camera does. But they will do macro.

They can do macro shots just like any other SLR camera. There are plenty of options...You can buy macro lenses, close-up dioptre filters, extension tubes or you can reverse mount one lens onto another with a special adaptor.

SLR cameras are much more versatile than P&S cameras but bigger & more expensive. The P&S cameras with macro mode are perfect for the kind of photos you see here. You can get P&S cameras that have most of the capabilities of an SLR except for the interchangeable lenses.

If you are serious about macro photography, especially of small critters. An SLR would be nice because you can attach a special macro ring flash and not have the flat lighting that typical P&S flashes produce.

As far as Nikon Vs Canon...take your pick. I don't know much about the D70 (I'm a Canon guy) but I'm sure it is very similar to the D-Rebel. Canon has lenses that are as good as or better than Nikon...the L series...but with either company you have to pay more for the good glass. Not that this really matters to anyone who isn't a camera gear geek (like me) or a pro photographer. Regular lenses are most likely just fine for your purposes.

03-18-04, 09:03 PM
i use nikon and only nikon.




03-26-04, 04:47 PM
Beautiful pics! Lots to think about. Thanks for all the info.

CB Shwa
04-20-04, 07:05 AM
I know im a little slow, and i dont know if you have decided on a camera yet, but i have a digital rebel, and i would suggest it for sure. I would post some pics if i knew how. But its a great camera.

05-07-04, 11:28 PM
It kinda depends on what you are looking for. I have an Olympus camera from their Stylus 35mm line, and love it. I got it 4 years ago, have never had a problem, and it's still top of the market, its such a good line. I love the waterproof body. As for SLR or digital, the Canon Digital EOS Rebel is my dream camera. However I got the Nikon f75 (not a digital morph for money reasons) and have yet to find a problem. If I decide to get a digital base, my current lenes will adapt well thanks to their great locking system. So if you have Nikon lenses sticking to their line may be something you want to consider. As for comparing Canon and Nikon, my friends, Henery's and Blacks Photo (the major camera stores where I am) all find them to be equal. Both have great lines, high quality products, nice lenes, great duribility and high prices. :P What I've found is that they are very similar and people just seem to choose sides. As for trying to get Macro shots, I've only relied on attaching a Macro lens. It works and though its was heavy it did the job. In any case, get your hands on the model before you buy it, I was surprised how much the feel of the camera affected my choice. Good luck and happy herping!
By the way, JD, fantastic shots!

05-08-04, 01:25 AM