View Full Version : What do you go through in a week?

Drew S
03-13-04, 01:15 AM
Hey, I just thought it would be interesting to see what, and how many feeders people go through in a week. I would have posted it in the feeder forum, but thought it would get more responses here :)

I'll get it started:

4 small rats
8 - 10 mice (various sizes)
1000 Crickets
1000 Mealworms
50 Silkworms
And lots of veggies

Costs me about $75 per week.

How about you guys?

03-13-04, 01:25 AM
WOW, lol I'm at about $5.00 on crickets. All I have are invertebrates. Once in a while I will get mealworms, superworms and mice.

03-13-04, 02:29 AM
a 500 box of crickets in about a week-week and a half.
and a small rat or 2

03-13-04, 02:33 AM
1 large rat 1 med rat

03-13-04, 06:22 AM

8 pinkies
12-16 fuzzies or hoppers
5-6 adult mice
8-12 small-medium rats

maybe more on a good week!!

I just keep thawing until everybody is fed.

Do I have to include the feeding of the roommates and wife...;) ?


03-13-04, 08:01 AM
For corns I go through,
3 H.M.
3 H.R.
2 F.R.

2 H.R.
1 S.R.
6 M.R.

2 F.R.

2 S.R.

2 M. R.
2 H.R.

1 J.R.
1 S.R.

4 P.M.
2 H.M.

Rosy Boas
2 F.M.
1 H.M.

1 F.M.

Sone snakes I feed every 5 days some 7. But onece a week every so often that is what I have to take out of my freezer.

03-13-04, 08:19 AM
We go through 1000 to 1500 crickets a week
500 superworms
500 mealworms

12 rat pinkies
14 adult mouse
2 to 4 100 gram rats

lots of veggies and dried bearded dragon food too.

03-13-04, 08:48 AM
1000 Crix
100 super worms

6 adult mice
65 Weaned Rats
10 med-small Rats
6 Medium Large Rats
4 Extra Large Rats

So, 90-100 rats/week...with a rat breeding colony of about 30 rats (more to come)
I still spend about $250 bucks every time a show is on


03-13-04, 10:29 AM
i go through right now 2 large to jumbo rats and 2 med rats

the large and jumbos are every 2 weeks and its gonna switch to small bunnies as soon as i can find a constant supply.


03-14-04, 01:28 PM
5 Rat Pups
2 Weaned Rats
2 Small Rats
1 Medium Rat
6 Large Rats

25 Adult Mice
4 Pinky Mice

03-14-04, 01:54 PM
500-600 crix
25 silkies
500 mealworms
and 30-40 super worms

03-14-04, 02:24 PM
1 large rat
3 mice
4 pinkies or fuzzies
about 50 crickets
about 50 meal worms
6 anacharis plants
lots of turtle pellets
lots of vegies

03-14-04, 03:03 PM
In an average week we go through:

10 000 - 14 000 Crickets
50 Silks
$30 in Veggies
50 Butterworms
...also lots of dry pellet food


03-14-04, 03:10 PM
3 Pinkys
3 Mice
100 crickets
10 Supperworms
5$ worth of veg

03-14-04, 03:10 PM
3 Pinkys
3 Mice
2 Big Rats
100 crickets
10 Supperworms
5$ worth of veg

a week.. so far..List grows all the time:)

03-14-04, 10:14 PM
hmmmm, for a week

approx. 4cups greens a day. 28 cups of salad/wk

7 cups salad/wk
150-250 superworms/wk
100 silkworms if I have em
100 crix if I happen to buy them

Leopard gex:
250-300 mealworms/wk
20 silkies or butterworms

Snakes: neither eat wkly.

Cornsnake: 2-3 fuzzies month
BRB: 2-3 small ( 60g) rats/month

Fish: 2-3 pinkies/ wk
flakes, pellets, etc ( crapload )
20-30 silkies or butterworms/wk
300-400g beefheart or other organ meat/wk
50ish snails/wk

03-18-04, 08:47 PM
about 15-20 mice and rats
couple table spoons of babyfood

and for the rats i go through about 1 - 2 bags of dog food

03-18-04, 10:00 PM
I would love to see Mr. Woods answer to that question......I imagine our # system does not even go that high.

03-19-04, 12:18 PM
4 adult mice per week. I'm small time. :)

03-19-04, 12:21 PM
2 rats 100 crickets 300 meal worms

03-20-04, 03:48 PM
Last feeding day I defrosted...

6 rats
34 mice
9 hoppers
16 fuzzies
6 pinkies

I also use a week...
300 crickets
2 tubs of wax worms
1 tub of meal worms

I'm just glad i breed my own mice, otherwise i might have to sell the kids :-)

03-27-04, 09:18 PM
It depends on the time of the year and number of snakes left before they are sold but about 1600 rodents a month in the late summer after hatching time and about 500-600 mid winter.

Most are pinkie mice and rats. Last fall we were feeding 200 hatcling snakes a pinkie every 3-4 days. This year there should be more. Thank god for deep freezers. I don't know what I would do if did not have rodent racks.


03-28-04, 01:43 AM
Until we cut our reptile collection back (before our rodent company took up so much time), we would go through the following each week:

40-50 pinkies
30-40 fuzzies
150 adult mice
30 small rats
40 medium rats
30 lg/xlg rats
1 box of crickets
500 mealworms
lots of hissing roaches

and monthly we would go through 4 chickens or rabbits

03-31-04, 05:22 AM
IF (big if) everyone is feeding:

1-2 jumbo rat
2 large rats
2 medium rats
3 small rats
3 rat pinkies
2 live large mice
2 live small mice
and a few meallies or crickets

usually would cost about $40/week but we started breeding/raising up our own rats so it's just cost us rat food recently...... and we still buy jumbo's for $5 each untill the burm goes on rabbits!

03-31-04, 05:57 AM
15 frozen burritos
4 frozen pizzas
6 cans of chili or clam chowder
2 dozen eggs
2lb bacon
1 box cinnamon toast crunch
1/2 gallon milk
4 chicken breasts
1 #4 at Wendy's
1 bag of chips or crackers
24 sodas
12 beers
1/4 bottle of tabasco sauce
Lots of potatoes
Lots of cheese
1 steak

03-31-04, 06:05 AM
Oh, forgot about what I eat: 1 box of crickets, 100 mealworms, 50 superworms, 25 silk worms, 25 wax worms, lots of greens, 6 fuzzy mice/pinkie rats, 1 med rat, some beardie pellets, 30-50 feeder guppies and comets, lots of flakes, bloodworms, pellets, and brine shrimp.

03-31-04, 06:27 AM
In a week....

1 small quail egg (+/-), sometimes a couple of canary eggs or a jumbo quail egg instead.

Total weekly cost: Somewhere in the neigborhood of 7 cents.

I'm sticking to my one egg eating snake!