View Full Version : My trip to the Toronto Zoo. Komodo Pics!

03-11-04, 09:05 PM
Call me lame but this was sort of a dream come true for me. I actually got to see a Komodo dragon in person. This is one of the two females the zoo has. The male and other female were off display. The keeper told me that each female laid a clutch of just over 20 eggs each and one Komodo from each clutch is all that made it. I got to see the neonates too but did not take any pics.



Sorry for the poor quality, but thanks for looking anyway.

03-11-04, 10:56 PM
That's awesome! Nice to see pics of captive animals in such elaborate setups as well :)

03-12-04, 06:39 AM
This set up now is much more useful from a monitors standpoint than was the initial design...........and for what that exhibit cost, boy it had sure better be useful ;)


03-12-04, 08:01 AM

Our Pittsburgh Zoo also has a Komodo:) Its really cool to watch!!

03-12-04, 08:41 AM
That exhibit seems to be very good. The ultimate setup for monitors of any kind that i've seen is the Lisbon zoo's. They have large Komodos in it and it's huge. It's a perfect replica of a dry jungle, with lots of caves and hiding places, but in fact, I'm against that.
It's true that a zoo needs to give the best possible conditions for the animals, but let's not forget that they have a responsability to the public that pays the ticket. Many times the dragons are inside those caves or behind branches and one doesn't get to see them at all. Tickets are not cheap and many people go there specially to see the komodo dragons.

03-12-04, 04:01 PM
Thanks for sharing....Lisbon Zoo eh? Didn't know they had them.


03-12-04, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by JimmyDavid
That exhibit seems to be very good. The ultimate setup for monitors of any kind that i've seen is the Lisbon zoo's. They have large Komodos in it and it's huge. It's a perfect replica of a dry jungle, with lots of caves and hiding places, but in fact, I'm against that.
It's true that a zoo needs to give the best possible conditions for the animals, but let's not forget that they have a responsability to the public that pays the ticket. Many times the dragons are inside those caves or behind branches and one doesn't get to see them at all. Tickets are not cheap and many people go there specially to see the komodo dragons.

i think that is selfish when u say they shoudl comprimise the well being of animals so public can see.

u should think that buying a ticket to the zoo is more like making a donation to help endangered species, and help spread information to everyone to get peoel involved.

03-13-04, 10:34 AM
What i mean is that the setup -for as grand as it is- should have been planned from the beginning to match both interests. the public's and the animal's. I believe they could have figured a way.
Sorry, but going to the zoo is not all just about donation, some of us would like to see some animals as well.

03-13-04, 06:47 PM
ok Jimmy how do you go about making the setup?

03-14-04, 12:09 AM
Since it's a pond kind of setup maybe there could be a way of walking all around it (we can see it only from front view). I don't know, it's up to them to think of good ways to improve it. All i'm sure is that if they can't make sure the public will enjoy it then they should not be taking money for it...
But it's a cool enclosure, anyway.

03-14-04, 04:23 AM

03-14-04, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by JimmyDavid
What i mean is that the setup -for as grand as it is- should have been planned from the beginning to match both interests. the public's and the animal's. I believe they could have figured a way.
Sorry, but going to the zoo is not all just about donation, some of us would like to see some animals as well.

i garantee it was designed to meet both interests as best as they could. animals arent ment to have stress of people watching them constantly. espesially sensitive ones.

and yes goign to the zoo is about education and helping them keep dieing species alive. if it wasnt for zoos and teh money they get from teh public alot mroe species woudl become extinct.

i mean i understand what yoru saying, but you have to see teh whole picture. instead of what is just good for you.


03-14-04, 05:31 PM
Teh teh teh. I agree with chamitch. The komodo dragons and other animals, whether they are endangered or not should get the good living quarters they deserve, even if that gets people pissed about the bad viewing. BTW, Those pics are great. All komodo pics IMO are eye candy.

03-14-04, 07:16 PM
teh teh today junior. haha i suck i know

03-14-04, 07:28 PM
Everybody, realise that i was talking about the LISBON ZOO. Perhaps you thought i meant the TORONTO ZOO, but my whole point was about the Lisbon's. Believe me, they care more for their pockets than the animals. I should know it, because i know the people in question. It's a long story...

03-16-04, 02:06 AM
then be thankfull they looked after teh animals for once :)


03-16-04, 01:00 PM
"teh teh today junior. haha i suck i know"
But the important thing is that you have a good sense of humor!:D

BTW, wasn't that such a great movie?