View Full Version : Info on Corn Breeding PLZ!
03-11-04, 07:47 PM
i have a male normal corn a female amelanistic and a male emelanistic the female laid about 7 eggs last year but i did not se them untill they were dried out but she was way to small to be laying eggs any way the eggs were like twice her size so it probley wouldnt have worked out i was told to have her separated from the males for on ewhole year and then put her back with them about a week before i put her back with the males the 2 males started up what looked to me like mating i was told they were just loney and ready to mate again so i put the female back with them but they ignore her and go on with thier gay ways like shes not even there i will try to post pics of thier gayness later but untill then could someone plz tell me why my males are gay and any other info i might be able to use on breeding my corns ii am planning on saleing the baby corns to get money for a baby burm
i have probed these 2 males twice each so i know for a fact they are both males.
03-11-04, 07:53 PM
Yikes, that's got to be the longest sentence in the world!!! ;) It's really tough to make sense of. I would help you out but I really don't know what you are asking. :(
03-11-04, 08:12 PM
lol sorry about that ok starting over. One of the males and the female mated when all of them was in the same cage. i didnt even know about the eggs though they were hidden from me. the eggs were 2 times her size around so they probley would have come out all deformed and stuff. i was told by an exotic pet store to separate her from the other 2 males for one year. about a mounth ago the males started to try and mate with each other. so i put the female back in there since it has been a year. but the males still try to skrew each other. they just totaly ignore her. i have had both of these males probed twice and they are both males for sure. i was told by this same exotic pet store that the males to that cause they are lonley and ready to mate again. y are they still being gay after i put the female back in there, and how do i make them stop
when i to get them to stop. how do i started matign one of them with the female. they are obveously ready to mate but they have choosen the wrong target
03-11-04, 08:39 PM
YAHOOO SEX IN PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA sorry i just had to share that this is my first tiem breeding i just got both of them out of the cage ad put them on the floor and he started goin after her now they are all wrapped up toggther he is all over her wait no shes escaping dang it! o hey he is goin after her again lets try this one more time i feel so perverted sittign her watching my snakes "do the nasty" the other male in the cage must have been distracting him from the female but he sure sees her now he is all over her!!!!!!!!!
03-11-04, 08:53 PM
Yikes, that's got to be the longest sentence in the world!!! It's really tough to make sense of.
I was thinking the same thing.
Three words my friend, Corn Snake Manual. It is the bible for corn snakes. It will probably teach you more the any internet forum.
03-11-04, 08:56 PM
Awesome man I'm happy for you!
03-11-04, 08:58 PM
Three words my friend
That would be: Complete sentances please!
03-11-04, 09:13 PM
am i the only one who niticed this? you shouldn't house more than one snake together. Let alone two males. You sohuld have all three in different cages and then you wouldn't have the gayism problem. Especially being that corns have a tendency to sometimes be cannabalistic.
03-11-04, 09:16 PM
You probably shouldn't let them breed on the floor either, yet another reason for my book suggestion.
03-11-04, 09:22 PM
i didnt mean to have them breed on the floor i just got them out to handler them and i set them down to type and they just went at it!
03-11-04, 09:26 PM
Its his first time breeding he'll make some mistakes. I know I will when I first start breeding!
I just glad that they bred for you man congrats.
Also 2 males isnt good:)
03-11-04, 09:27 PM
yea thanks man
03-11-04, 09:30 PM
ok so how long dose it take for her to lay the eggs now?
03-11-04, 09:42 PM
yet another reason to get the "cornsnake bible" aka cornsnake manual...but it happens after her prelay shed. You are going to wnat to put an egglaying box in there. it should just be a rubbermaid with a hole in the top with moist vermiculate in.
03-11-04, 11:18 PM
well i read inthe manual that it should be peat moss so i got some fo that but i dont know exactly what to do so thatk i know now so ill get on that
03-11-04, 11:19 PM
seperate the males, their not gay, they are probably fighting. ESPECIALLY with the female in there.
Each snake should have it's own enclosure.
How long is your female?
If she was "way to small" last year, then she is probably " to small" this year.
If you really want to care for your snakes go get
"The Corn Snake Manual" by Kathy Love
03-12-04, 06:54 AM
No offence but you should have known all this before ever trying to breed your animals.
How are you going to incubate the eggs?
What if she get's egg bound?
What are you going to put the hatchlings in?
Do you have a large supply of pinkies?
Do you have a market for the babies?
Given some of the questions asked I figured that these are also things you may be asking or need to have pointed out.
Again, no offence intended but breeding your animals puts them at risk and you don't sound prepaired. The worst thing that can happen isn't that she won't become gravid, it's that she may die.
Remeber just because you can breed your snakes doesn't mean you should.
Keep the questions coming.
As for the moss, I use one laying box on each end of the cage that is filled with sphagnum moss that I keep damp. This will become her nest. She needs two, one on each end.
03-28-04, 12:58 PM
OK.. so let me get this straight...
You bred the female you posted the pic of that looks TOO SMALL to be breeding THIS YEAR LAST YEAR, too? When she was EVEN SMALLER?
What the hell is wrong with you, guy?
I mean seriously. Sell your snakes to someone who can actually take care of them and get a hamster or something.
Buddy calm down a little burmluvva has obviosly made a mistake but that is no reason to snap like that. The snake isnt smaller this year but it is still a little undersized for breading. it is all in the experiance and i bet that even you the PERFECT person has made some mistakes. People dont apreciat that kind of behavior.
Thank you
03-28-04, 08:21 PM
I just picked up the Corn Snake Manual today, and was browsing it in the car while my girlfrend was clothes shopping.
It's LOADED with info, and big for a pet manual: Over 100 pages.
Definitely pick it up.
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