03-11-04, 04:10 PM
Anyone know how to get a hold of arg. bw tegus in toronto,Canada.
i work in Menagerie petshop but the only ones on the list are goldens and columbians.
i want a tegu i can hold!
im currently housing satanic leaftails, spearpoint leaftails,
hog island boas, leopard geckos, tokays, lined day geckos,crested geckos,
a softshell turtle and many more birds and mammals.
i work in Menagerie petshop but the only ones on the list are goldens and columbians.
i want a tegu i can hold!
im currently housing satanic leaftails, spearpoint leaftails,
hog island boas, leopard geckos, tokays, lined day geckos,crested geckos,
a softshell turtle and many more birds and mammals.