View Full Version : Snake or Bed Room ?!?!

03-11-04, 02:22 AM
My snakes are slowly (not that slow actually) taking over my room! I live in a single room and it is filling up with snakes! I am getting a BEAUTIFUL pair of Brazilian Rainbows in two weeks from today! I am setting up their enclosures now, they are the two long rubbermaids below the TV.


The tall cage still houses the JCPs and the bottom cage is being used for storage until I get heat run to it. It was planned for my corn but I don't think she'll be noticed enough down there!

She is the snake that got me into herps, but I never would've gotten into this at all if it weren't for my Fantail goldfish! I bought them to keep in a bowl and then found out how bad that is for a fish. I started getting more and more for the fish, then decided that since I've always been fascinated with snakes, I should get one too. It was all downhill from there!!!

03-11-04, 02:51 AM
looks good, I like that...did those metal stands end up being very intrusive (like my "thing")

03-11-04, 03:17 AM
Not too bad at all, but they were a bit@h to put together! the cheap metal brackets kept bending and the tabs wouldnt fit into the slots right, the holes weren't cut all the way through. I got the whole 6' shelf for like $45 though and I have the other 3' section left over for now, you'll have to check it out tomorrow.

We also should try to stop by campus tomorrow and try to go through the herp room there, call me

03-11-04, 07:11 AM
Looks awesome. Don't feel bad, my room is wall to wall cages.

I have 2 metal shelves facing each other to hold my two 4 ft cages stacked on one another (it is a P.I.T.A to get to the bottom cage though :rollseyes: ) I have 2 rats cages and a snake cage ON TOP of my rabbit cage, corns cage, pet rat cage, breeder females cage, then 2 stands holding OUR stuff, then the bed.

lol, there is JUST ENOUGH room to walk around to get to everything. Once we get moved though, we will be able to seperate everything into their "respective" rooms.

You stole my lamp dimmer! J/K Those are EXACTLY what I use.

I actually use only 1 per 2 cages. I hook up a good extension cord to the dimmer and plug the UTH into the extension. Works great. Especially when you have more than one animal with the same heating requirements.


Is anyone else finding that some of the words have little yellow lines under them that bring you to different links (usually associated with the word)? It is really annoying.

03-11-04, 12:00 PM
I thought about it but I want to be able to control each cage in case there is a difference due to heat transfer from one cage to another or any other reason. especially when I get my Rainbows as I want to make sure to have the most accurate precision control. I would hate if one was warmer than the other and by turning up the cooler one, the warmer one would fry! This is probably not a concern, but my room temps fluctuate quite often as 3 large windows change it with either sun or else cold wind.

03-11-04, 12:08 PM
Sapphire, you've got something else that's running on your machine, some type of adware installed by an application.

I suggest you get Ad-Aware and remove it. Most adware crap is relatively harmless but some collects info from forms you fill out as well (including credit card numbers) and sends it as cleartext over the net where any number of machines can sniff the packets for data.

Grab Ad-Aware here:

03-11-04, 12:20 PM
thanks for the info Cruciform!

Actually my room fluctuates between 70-80degres, (unless it's really hot) it usually stays at around 72-75 degrees.