View Full Version : My pissed off suri (video)

03-09-04, 11:32 PM
She's usually really nice, don't know whats wrong with her today but I made this video... I tried to remove her to clean the cage and she went mad, so to do the vid I tease her a bit with a rat (instead then with my hand :rolleyes: ) So here's the video, just for fun (turn up the volume) Btw, even if she desn't seem interested she ate the rat a few minutes after.


03-09-04, 11:49 PM
lol my friends is like that all the time

03-10-04, 12:00 AM
LOL. Sounded like my savannah. All hiss and puff but no bite. Thanks for the vid!


03-10-04, 10:41 AM
Nice vid.... beautiful Suri!

03-10-04, 10:51 AM
hehe that rocks

03-10-04, 12:45 PM
Thanks everyone!

03-13-04, 08:39 PM
ha ha...my bcc does that too but only when she's in shed....I swear you can hear her in the other room!lol

03-13-04, 09:46 PM
wow thats the angriest sounding snake iv heard next to a puff adder. that was awesome, i saved the vid to watch it again later =)

03-14-04, 12:42 AM
Glad you like it!

It's true Yve, I also hear the hiss from the other room, even if the door's closed!

03-16-04, 06:47 PM
Woooo! That was one heck of a hiss... sounds like our big female BCI Athena on most days. Beautiful Suri. :)

03-17-04, 05:27 PM
Hey Pontus, she's not like that anymore. I've slowly weaned her from a mad psycho boa, so a some what crazy Boa. It's just taking time is all.

03-18-04, 12:12 AM
What I find interesting is just how reluctant she actually is to bite. When I handle a snake that's all hissy like that, to be honest all I'm thinking is I'm going to get bit and it's going to hurt. Here there's a FOOD ITEM really pissing her off, and no bite.


Optimus Prime
03-18-04, 05:11 PM
Wow she sure seemed mad.

03-19-04, 09:23 PM
I'm having a problem viewing this video. I've now tried on three different computers and on each, after downloading for awhile I am told that the network connection has failed. I don't know that much about Windows Media Player. Can anyone help?