View Full Version : a60/a70 lens adapter

03-09-04, 03:09 PM
Hey everyone

I'm using a canon a60 and wanted to attach a telephoto lens for some field herping this summer. I know there is a lens adapter available, but what exactly does this do. I see where i can attach it and all that, but my question is what can i attach to the adapter? Can i attach any lens i like (even ones from old slr cameras), or is there specific extra lenses for canon digitals? I'm just getting into photography stuff now, so lamens terms only please! Thanks


03-10-04, 11:51 PM
You can't attach SLR lenses to digital cameras. They are made differently. Some digitals have optional leses for them while others have built in lenses. My Pentax has filters and lenses built into the camera. There are various adapters for cameras, funky effects or faking a macro. The best thing to do is go to a camera store(a good one) with your camera and ask them. Also you can e-mail Henrey's Photo leader in the photo industry and ask them www.henrys.ca or .com they can help. Hope I answered some stuff for you