View Full Version : What Monitor SHould I BUY

03-08-04, 08:13 PM
I'm just curious as to what you guys think I should go for?

Keep in mind I have kept Savs and I can possibly get a room that is 12x10...haha


03-08-04, 09:21 PM

Anyone? haha

03-08-04, 09:21 PM
what monitor tickles your fancy?

03-08-04, 09:22 PM
well all of them do....but I'm curious as to what you guys like:)

03-08-04, 09:27 PM
but I'm curious as to what you guys like

I'm confused. Do you want to know what monitors we like better, or which monitors you should like better?

03-08-04, 09:32 PM
Crocodile monitor! They have an incredible personality, if you can find, or afford, a baby or small juvenile. And only if you have the means to keep one with the proper care it deserves. ( your 12x10 room should be perfect!!)

03-08-04, 09:34 PM
what you like better:)

03-08-04, 09:35 PM
ugh! don't buy a croc monitor. that would be stupid. Not many expierienced keepers should even dwell down that path... they're not for everyone, espeacially not someone that found a savannah to be a handful.

Get yourself an ackie, or a storrs.....

03-08-04, 09:38 PM
haha ok.........if i get anything big its the asian water...MAYBE the nile

03-08-04, 10:17 PM
go for the tegu (not Columbian, though). They are captive bred, easy to calm down and easy to feed.

03-08-04, 10:28 PM
Lace monitor :)
Ok are we talking in the real world????
Ok then Water all the way :)

03-08-04, 11:05 PM
lace monitor wouldn't be a good idea, either, if a savannah was a handful!

03-08-04, 11:07 PM
Varanus gilleni or Varanus glauerti

Don't get a croc or nile or water.

03-08-04, 11:19 PM
my personnal choice is everything except an exanthematicus, but it's MY personnal choice

03-08-04, 11:39 PM
I was kidding about the lace, but a water is a good choice.

03-08-04, 11:40 PM
If you choose a baby of any species, you will learn fast to work with. Do your research on husbandry for the species you like the most before acquire it and listen to your own judgment. If you love salvator, go for it. If you like exanthematicus, it's your choice. But no matter the one you choose take one thing in consideration: some become tame and some don't, no matter the species. Lot's of people buy bocs monitor to take experience and after a while they think they have enough experience, put the savannah in the freezer and go for another species. Don't do that, buy the one you like the most at first and keep it.

03-09-04, 12:02 AM

03-09-04, 12:03 AM
the nile monitor is my favorite

03-09-04, 12:06 AM
I know nothing about monitors i jus know the nile monitor is cute!

03-09-04, 12:22 AM
Ackie's are great to work with!

03-09-04, 12:27 AM
Black Rough Neck Monitors and Niles are my fav's


03-09-04, 06:54 AM
Wow, Storr's and Glauerti suggested for starters? I've had experience with both, and surely wouldn't recommend them as good beginner monitors, but that's my opinion.

Ackies are by far the best choice.....Yellows in particular :)


03-09-04, 07:51 AM
Wow great suggestions everyone thanks!

Right now I am searching and printing out EVERY caresheet I find! Then I'm gonna go have a LOOOONG reading session in my room. I'm also pulling out all of my Reptiles magazines cause I have a few with monitor articles! So I am definately cramming here!

Thats good advice Chuck thankyou! I'm gonna pop the ? about having that room today........and if they dont go for it I'll have to narrow my choices down to a Tegu or Savannah....which I'm perfectly happy with but I wouldnt mind a go at a pair of Waters or Niles:) Or hey.......maybe a TON of Ackies! LOL Thats actually not a bad idea cause Ackies are beautiful monitors!

03-09-04, 08:19 AM
Wow I just found an amazing site that has drained half of my black ink!!!!


I printed every part of it!!!

03-09-04, 10:28 AM
I wouldn't even consider a nile or a water from the sounds of this thread. Like Jon said, your better off going with yellow ackies, the only problem is, they cost four times what a water or nile will cost initially. But, in the long run the nile and water monitor will prove to be far more expensive to keep. Whatever you choose, just think hard about why you want a particular species. And, Captive bred is always a better choice. You won't find any captive bred waters or niles kickin around these days (Ravi's the only one I know to have hatched some savannah's in recent history).
Good luck!

John A
03-09-04, 10:35 AM
Forget the care sheets, we all need REALITY SHEETS. go visit real dedicated keepers of all the reptiles you are interested in. also, go read my newest reply in the thread about water monitors. -john

03-09-04, 10:44 AM
I just read it and thanks. But as I said in that thread I am ready for the housing. But I just have to decide what to get. I am thinking of savs, ackies, tegus,....and MAYBE another nile. I had one previously as a rescue it was about 2ft. I gave it a good home:)

03-09-04, 12:57 PM
Don't buy a nile..... Trust everyone here, I actually never found storrs to hard to work with, but jonk is alot more knowledgable when it comes to dwarfs..... Go with his advice with the yellow ackies. You're pretty young, what happens if you go away to school etc, its alot easier to bring a tank with you, than an 8 foot nile enclosure...... or a bedroom...... heh

food was also mentioned, thats a huge price factor..

03-09-04, 01:04 PM
I know......I doubt I will but who knows. I will go with the Tegu probably...a 75% chance I will

03-09-04, 01:10 PM
Ackies! Good luck!:D

Gregg M
03-09-04, 01:24 PM
I would go with a baby Varanus Albigularis........

03-09-04, 01:30 PM
By that I'm guessing you mean the Sav? Cause I dont see too many Blackthroateds

03-09-04, 02:13 PM
I dunno about blackthroats either. heh I have a few, they're IMO the best monitor as well, however they get HUGE. Most people dont understand the true size of these guys when full grown. My female went from hatchling to over 5 feet in a year. My male, almost 6..and VERY heavy. They can become quite tolerant to people. If you want a large lizard go for it, but be forwarned they arent the easiest to keep either.

03-09-04, 02:15 PM
V.hb what all do you own? What is your favorite to work with?

I really want a Tegu, Savanna, or Nile.

I have read about blackthroats and know the size and weight:)

03-09-04, 09:34 PM
Wow, Storr's and Glauerti suggested for starters? I've had experience with both, and surely wouldn't recommend them as good beginner monitors, but that's my opinion.

Jon, his question wasn't what the best starter monitor was. I even asked him what his question was and he asked what monitors WE liked best. So I told him. If he asked me what monitor makes the best FIRST monitor, I would have told him something completely differemt.

03-09-04, 09:37 PM
True...I did ask what monitors you guys like:)

03-09-04, 10:27 PM
oh, if you want to know which monitors WE like, then I love V varius (lace monitors). :)

03-10-04, 06:04 PM
i'm all about the Green Tree Monitor, just saving my pennies, and working on convincing the gf. Anybody breeding these guys?


03-11-04, 12:56 PM
In that case, komodo dragons all the way!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

03-12-04, 01:19 AM
varanus salvator marmoratus MY FAVORITE! i dont know what your asking because your question changes all the time but i would consider a tegu to start off.

03-12-04, 01:59 PM
im looking in to a pair of peach throat monitors myself, they're beautiful, a bit flighty though. im in for tegus first, if i can find one. i heard water monitors are as tame as puppys if you treat em right. but thats alot a space being used for 1 lizard. you could have a few nice set ups in a room that size. stay away from niles, for the love of the lizard gods, stay away from niles!

03-12-04, 02:04 PM
Haha no way I love Niles. I onced owned one:)

I will prob go with the Sav or Tegu!

04-03-04, 09:50 PM
Niles are cool, i love my baby. But not a choice for a begginer. Go with the sav. for sure!

04-03-04, 11:44 PM
Well, I love my savannahs . I would kill for an albig if I had the room and money to care for one. what I'm looking at getting next is a red ackie, such lively purty animals.

04-04-04, 01:31 AM
My first and only monitor was a savannah...after doing all the research like usual i got him, not to long ago either. I found out a little later that most the caresheets i read were completely wrong. I wasnt doing a great job caring for him but i turned him around really quickly...hes now doing absolutley great! I have never worked or looked at ackies but ive heard their the best first monitor lizard from quite a few people. Ive owned a tegu and their a lot of work..more then a sav imo.

If it was me, like i did, id get a sav forsure. Their very intellegent, then again so are most monitors lol, but most adults ive seen are extremely tame so if your looking for an animal to handle once in a while id say sav or ackie...I couldnt get my tegu out of the tank!

I wouldnt suggest a nile forsure though...plus you already have a burm, thats two giant animals, lol...good luck with whatever you choose though