View Full Version : Scorps in france

03-08-04, 01:29 PM
My uncle imports wine from france, he says that one exporter from southern france always has scorps in the pallet. He said they are no more than an inch or two long, and a dark brown or black. I asked him to save me some of the live ones next month. Is any one familiar with the species in france? I am ignorant of the arachnid field, and would like to start to learn more about these guys, thanx

Gregg M
03-17-04, 03:58 PM
There are a few species of scorpion in france....... The species you are talking about may very well be Euscorpius carpathicus balearicus........ They are one of the most widely distributed scorpions in Europe.......... They are pretty harmless...... And pretty easy to care for......... They like it slightly humid and do not need to be kept very hot....... There are also some Buthus and Mesobuthus species in france...... Those are the ones to watch out for as they can inflict a pretty bad sting........ They are usually light brown to yellow in color.......