View Full Version : Can some1 please sex my ksb?

03-08-04, 06:13 AM
well i just read the last post and it seems we have some experts in here so i ask all of you a question... can you sex my KSB please?? here's a pic of it.. Stockwell, i also know you breed KSB's and i'm interested in grabbing one or maybe two off you so can you tell me where you are also? i mean what part of canada please? thanks ahead of time..

here it is

HEY! i just noticed my KSB has skin on it's tail! i thought that was normal when i got it and i just noticed none of yours have it!!! WHAT DO I DO?? i've had it for a month now and it's no longer on sand, it's on aspen and it has been for a while now... HELP PLEASW!

03-08-04, 06:14 AM
forgot the pic

03-08-04, 06:16 AM
here's a close-up of the tail..

03-08-04, 06:38 AM
"He" has some retained skin on his tail you might want to look at.
I say male.

03-08-04, 07:00 AM
thanks! also, keep in mind it's only 8-9 inches and it's pretty skinnky.. i hope to get a positive ID on it.. thanks a lot man but i still have 2 questions i really need answered.. i'm worried about the skin now.. it's got me stressING!

1. this is my first (but not last) snake and i have no idea what to do about the tail... what do i do???? suggestions??

2. i have been reading about snakes brumating (being cooled? hibernating?).. am i suppose to cool my ksb??

thanks again

03-08-04, 07:30 AM
1. Soak your snake in luke warm water and lightly rub the skin off, once it's soaked it should come off no problem. No worries.

2. You don't HAVE to cool your KSB as you aren't breeding it. However, some snakes will choose for you. I always offer a termperature gradient and my Spotted Python actually chose the cool side this winter and stayed there and went off feed.

3. I can't sex your snake as I only trust probing lol


03-08-04, 08:46 AM
Placing it in a small fairly tight rubber maid with a damp warm large face cloth will be less stressfull then soaking the snake. Sand boas I don't imagine like to swim too much.
This way the skin comes off by the sand boa moving through the folds in the damp cloth. Less stressfull and more natural then you pulling or rubbing on it. You will want to do it today too.
Once the snake is in the rubbermaid put in back in the cage so that if it get out of the dish it's getting out into it's own cage.
Also sand is not good for sand boas. Beta chip, or alpha chip or shreaded aspen are all better choices than sand. May be part of the reason for the incomplete shed. Also make sure he has a heavy water bowl that can't easily be tiped with fresh clean water in it at all times.
As for cooling, don't worry about it unless you're going to breed him, which he's not ready for right now.

03-09-04, 12:03 AM
thanks but is there no guarentee on sexing?

and how long do i keep it in the rubbermaid?

03-09-04, 12:28 AM
I can't tell from the pic, but they are fairly easily sexed visually. Unlike with most boids, males typically have spurs while females do not.

03-09-04, 02:17 AM
i can't tell what spurs are..

03-09-04, 06:13 AM
little claws on either side of the vent. Leave it in the rubbermaid over night.

03-09-04, 05:53 PM
Can you provide a photo like this, from the side including the vent and tail
Males claws should look something like this and they should have a thick tail base with even taper.

03-09-04, 11:59 PM
i'll try but i'm feeding it tommorow night so i won't be handling it for 2 days after the but i will do it then... thanks!