View Full Version : Mah new babies...

03-07-04, 02:40 AM
Well, it looks like I've just added again to my collection...LOL.

This little fella is so sweet. It's cute because he'll make this weird baby sound. I'm pretty sure he's not wheezing. Anyway, I couldn't resist this baby.


This is my other new toy. This pic doesn't show his tail, but I can tell you he has a killer tail which makes up for the speckling.


I'll get some better pics of his tail tomorrw. It's just too late, and I didn't want to stress them out anymore today.

03-07-04, 04:10 AM

Nice guys there indeed.




03-07-04, 05:14 AM
Tres cool! :D

03-07-04, 03:01 PM
what is that top one? I'm asking, as I have one that looks just like it and we're still not sure what it is.


03-07-04, 03:11 PM
That top on looks like one of the insular boas... maybe a Crawl Cay? It's cute nonetheless.

But that second one!!!!!! HOLY!!!!! Is that a Suri or a Suri cross, because if not, that is the most stellar Colombian I have ever seen in my life!

03-07-04, 08:18 PM
But that second one!!!!!! HOLY!!!!! Is that a Suri or a Suri cross, because if not, that is the most stellar Colombian I have ever seen in my life!

Thats what I was thinking, it looks like a suriname cross.

03-07-04, 08:30 PM
Oh man I really like that second one, and it does look a little suriname. Then again there are Colombian BCC too, maybe you've got one.

03-08-04, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the compliments :D . Well, that top one is a Central American BCI, but as for locality, I couldn't tell you. What does everyone else think?

That second one was sold to me as a Peruvian. Anyway, I got him for such a great price, I didn't care what he was. I just thought he looked good.

Hey, Boidkeeper, why do you think it could be a Columbian BCC? It would be cool if he was. Who knows really?

I still haven't gotten around to take a whole body pic as well as the tail. I'll try later on. Again, thank you all for the kind words. Hmmm...what to get next...LOL!!!

03-08-04, 06:38 PM
They're both really nice, I especially love the second one. Good luck with them both. :)