View Full Version : Tegu Info & Pics wanted!

03-06-04, 10:52 AM
Hey guys........obviously by the thread I've chosen to go with a Tegu(and leos but I know them:))

Now I'm still debating on a Red or B&W....but I have awhile before that time comes.

Now if you own a Tegu I was wondering if you could show me pics of him/her....and how much he/she was(I'm from the US so I dont know CND $$).

Also some backround info....such as what you feed it, the size cage, what lighting setup you have....temps....basically everything you can offer.

Lets just put it this way......I was a BIG TIME impulse buyer...and my days with that is done! I wanna know everything possible before I buy this guy/girl:)

Oh and I have room for a cage 8ft long by 21/2ft wide cage...how ever many feet high I need maybe I'll make some higher basking spots.

Thanks much!!!!!!


03-06-04, 12:19 PM
Try reading up on some care sheets first, then post here and clarify some things that arn't clear to you. Asking someone to basicly write out an entire caresheet on here is a lot of work lol.

03-06-04, 12:34 PM
No no....i mean i was asking what THEY feed....like basically just there words.

Im readint the caresheets already.

I also want to see some ssnakess members tegus:)

03-06-04, 12:45 PM
I fed my old guy crix, pretty much all insects you can get...ocasioanlly chicken, but ive heard its not recomended, and eggs are good. They eat almost anything

Steeve B
03-06-04, 01:15 PM
Hello I keep both red and BW, my cage are 4 by 6feet and this seem to be good, they are easy to keep and breed, I feed mine rats and plums from my garden in late summer an occasional cantaloupe or kiwi. If I was to chouse only one Id go with the red, both are or get very tame (tolerant) however the red seems less inclined to feeding frenzy witch greatly reduces the chance of an accidental bite.
photo taken 3 days ago, BW female basking on top of her nest ready to lay eggs any day now!
Photo 2 pair of red, the female ovulated few weeks ago and is now gravid, theirs about 30 days difference between the BW and the red tegu gestation, this is why they never inter breed.

I don’t have much experience with tegus, these are my first, however they are nice to work with, more so then 50% of my monitors.

03-06-04, 02:17 PM
Thanks alot!

SteeveB all of them are simply beautiful! I have no idea which type I'll get now because I want both so badly!!!

I hope my 8f by 2ft will lbe good enough....the 2ft is skinny tho....maybe i can make it 3ft if i re-arrange my room.

Ill first save up a load of money and make the cage first...then I'll work on getting the Tegu in a few months!

Thanks again

03-07-04, 04:13 PM
Those pictures are nice!

03-08-04, 10:50 AM
Here's a pic of one of my babie tegus.
He was a hold back Hope you like. sorry about the bad pic.

03-08-04, 11:00 AM
Awesome! Are you happy with the B&W Tegu species? What do you sell yours for anyways? Just curious