View Full Version : Question about feeding

03-05-04, 02:55 PM
so I have a young veiled, I posted pictures a while back.. Anyway, he goes through about 50 crickets every 3-5 days, which isn't a problem, I was expecting him to eat a lot for a while...

My question is: what else can I feed him? He's small so I don't think I can feed him wax worms/meal worms/etc. but is there anything else? will he eat any kind of vegetable, or some other kind of insect? I'm just looking for ideas so feel free to post anything, even if it doesn't pertain to this particular case.

03-05-04, 03:26 PM
Fruit flies, pin silkies, umm he is probably too big for fruit flies now though.. thats all i can think of,

03-05-04, 03:51 PM
your chameleon is going to be huge eating that much...glad to hear he's eating so much...tyler's senegal doesn't really take to waxworms, but you can take a few from our place if you want to try it

03-05-04, 04:40 PM
well they grow like weed!!!, but uhhh i cant get myne to eat any vegies:p, but he eats my ficus tree!!!!!!!!


03-05-04, 05:12 PM
haha.. mine has been eating the ficus I think, there are some leaves that look like they've been eaten a bit.

I couldn't see him eating veggies.. maybe I'll try some lettuce or something and see what happens