View Full Version : What lizard should i look into?
03-05-04, 01:09 PM
I've maintained my snakes long enough and I think i can handle a lizard or two.
So what do you think I should go for?
I have experience with Savs(baby), Leos, and igs.
I'm definately interested in either a Sav or a Beardie. I would want something that doesnt get too less then 3ft. I dont care about what they eat really...cause i can provide it. I also have enough room for a cage 6-8ft long and 2-3ft wide.
Please post what you think so i can get to researchin my bum offQ!!!!
03-05-04, 03:35 PM
just so you nkow this shouldve been in the general lizard forum but anyway. i really like leopard geckos. i am probably going to get more. there are so many choices between morphs so thats why i like them. bearded dragons, blue tongue skinks, tegus, water dragons they fit in your range along with monitors.
Australian Water Dragons are pretty cool lizards IMO. They dont get super huge but with a big tank you can really do a cool looking display with it. Water Dragons and Basilisks are great looking creatures for display. Sav's are a good lizard for sure. Get bigger than you expect sometimes though. Im also kinda partial to uromastyx too. Good lizard and are vegetarians.
Cheers, Ryan
03-05-04, 05:32 PM
THanks the the input sofar.
NOw I have to decide on alot of Leos......or a Savannah Monitor, or a Beardie. Maybe even a tegu.
Or maybe even a Basilisk. If i got something smaller like a beardie or uro. I could setup a really nice tank on my side wall(about 8ft long) So i have alot to work with!
03-05-04, 09:23 PM
Blue tongued skink!
03-05-04, 09:37 PM
I have a savannah monitor and it was the best reptile ive ever bought..i own 5 lizards, and have owned all the ones your thinking of..beardies are to much of a hassle imo..they eat to much and smell up cages easily...if you want a good size lizard get a sav..they get about 3 feet..sometimes bigger sometimes smaller...but if you can supply a cage like that it would live a nice life..there very interesting lizards, very could watch them for hours..i know i can :) Thats what id suggest..if you want something with an easy temperment then maybe look into uromastyx..i have two, one of the easiest lizards to care for if you looking for something simple...not that savs are really hard but beardies are..again all this is just my experience and opinion..the choice is up to you, but look into a sav (especially since you have some experience) or uromasyx...good luck!
If you are looking for something that stays under 3', a Tegu or Sav is not the way to go.
What are you looking for in a pet lizard? Are you looking for something you can take out and handle, or are you fine with just something that isn't very interactive?
Uromastyx are totally cool lizards, not too big and not too small. Great for handling and also just to sit back and watch.
Ackies are neat little monitors. I don't have much hands on experience with them, but apparently some are easily handled while some are not. Either way you get all the cool traits of a monitor wrapped up in to a smaller package.
Leopard geckos are probably my favourite lizard of all time. The only reptile I would ever dare apply the label of being "personable" to.
Frilled Dragons are really cool, too. They are typically pretty good for handling and make great display animals as well.
Chinese Water Dragons are popular pets, not my cup of tea, but a lot of people like them. Usually good for handling and also pretty good for display.
Australian Water Dragons are not as common as the Chinese, but equally as good I find.
Blue Tongue Skinks are pretty popular as well. Hardy and relatively easy to care for. Most are pretty good for handling.
I don't like skinks, but Monkey-Tail Skinks are neater since they will actually climb. I don't know much about them however, but may be something to look in to.
Gary D.
03-05-04, 10:01 PM
I agree in on the blue tongue they're very interesting mid size animals. Although I don't own any, I would, but my wife really dislikes them for some reason. Based on the size of your cage you could consider a Tegu. Blue Tegus typically do not exceed 4' Although Argentines (B&W or red) do get larger I would never hesitate in recommending them. I now own 3.
03-06-04, 10:45 AM
Awesome thanks for all the responses!
Since I have room for a cage 8ft.....I am leaning towards a Sav or Tegu.....I've alwyas wanted a Tegu.
OH YA! With a cage that size I was thinking of rescueing an Ig maybe? But I doubt it.
So ya my choices are down to the Sav(which I've had) or a Red or BW Tegu. I think I'll go for the Tegu probably cause I simply love them. And I know they can be tamed cause I've seen Tegus sitting on peoples shoulders at shows.
Thanks again
Oh and I still might get a Leo or two...........they are too irresistable! haha
03-06-04, 12:43 PM
Ive had both a sav and a bw tegu and im deffinetly happier with the sav...i traded the tegu to get the sav because mine was insane. Good luck with whatever you do and be sure to tell us :)
Get a sudan PLated Lizard they rock! they eat like no tommorrow and are not that expensive to take caere of cause they will eat bananas kiwi dog food out of the can umm any tasty fruit or live animal you can find one of mine swallowed a huge frog whole it was awsome
I would definately go for a Frilled Dragon. They aren't as common as a lot of other lizards, and they are puppy tame. Just make sure you get a CB, and you're set. You can let them run around freely (never leave them alone of course), and they won't dissapear...they love to explore and run up the curtains! They'll eat quite a variety of insects, and are very active during the day, unlike leopards etc. that hide for 80% of the time.
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