View Full Version : New pics of a few cresteds.

03-05-04, 12:11 PM
Here's a harlequin I produced a few weeks ago...





Orange Tiger produced here about a month ago.


A 6 month old I've been raising...looks like it's going to be a boy.





D Healey
03-05-04, 03:46 PM
Are you interested in selling the one you produced it is a great looking crested?

03-05-04, 04:24 PM
I really REALLY like the 'stretch' crestie!! He's magnificent. Looks like he'll be a crestie hunk all the girls will be swooning over. :)

03-05-04, 04:39 PM

I'm not sure. I've thought about letting that one go, simply because I've got 4 more eggs incubating now from the same adults. I'm just not sure how worthwhile it would be to ship one animal to Canada.

03-05-04, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by DragnDrop
I really REALLY like the 'stretch' crestie!! He's magnificent. Looks like he'll be a crestie hunk all the girls will be swooning over. :)

LOL - Thanks, I really like that one too.

03-05-04, 06:03 PM
i really like the pattern and coloration on the harlequin.

03-05-04, 06:39 PM
Thanks everyone.

Here's the harlequin's mom, an orange/rust flame...


...and dad, a pastel orange tiger.


It looks like it got a little bit of both of their patterns.

03-06-04, 06:04 AM
wow, those are very nice cresties. I especially love the 6 month old you've got. I have a harlequin with a pattern a lot a like your's.

Betty Miskie
03-06-04, 09:12 AM
Beautiful cresties! I just love when people post their pic's of cresties as each one is different. Between my son and I, we have 12 (9 unsexed) and we get them out every night and what personalities.
Thanks for showing your babies,

D Healey
03-06-04, 01:31 PM
Hi i have my geckos shipped to washington and then go down to pick them up but if you want to add another that is as nice i would consider getting a few, let me know what kind of price range you would be looking for.

03-07-04, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by D Healey
Hi i have my geckos shipped to washington and then go down to pick them up but if you want to add another that is as nice i would consider getting a few, let me know what kind of price range you would be looking for.


I really don't have much for babies right now. They're just starting to lay eggs on a regular basis. The cold weather kinda de-railed their productivity for a while. I'm probably sitting on a dozen or so eggs right now, so as soon as they start hatching, maybe we can work something out. By then, I'll have babies from these females as well.



I also have eggs from breeding this female to a really heavily speckled flame male too. Working on increasing the spotting size and overall intensity.


03-08-04, 02:01 PM
Very nice cresties, congrats and good luck with your future eggs!

03-09-04, 04:55 AM
woah you have really nice cresties!

03-11-04, 01:48 AM
dude ill buy 50 of those red ones off you lol ive been looking everywhere. Will you be willing to ship to canada if its worth it. I can talk to local pet shops that im in with to get an order going.

03-11-04, 02:58 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Once they start hatching, I might be able to ship some to Canada. We'll see how it goes.

03-13-04, 09:42 AM
Anthony... I swear that I have never seen such an unbelievable collection of cresties anywhere. Not in photos, not in person, not even in display. They truly are magnificent. I love the Harlequin. The head looks like rusty metal with dents in it... so cool! And the parents are even more amazing. Your speckle-boy is gorgeous too...the spots are so amazing! You must be crazy proud.. I truly have a hard time believing that cresties like that actually exist :D

03-15-04, 02:14 AM
Thanks for such kind words, Emily. I've been extremely fortunate with these guys (and reptiles in general).

That Cresty you just got is an awesome specimen too.

D Healey
03-15-04, 07:29 PM
Hey if you get a chance check out some of my rac's in the herp gallery section under the user name youkai and then in the doug's gecko's link hope you enjoy.

03-15-04, 10:23 PM
Wow! That Harlequin is AMAZING! I'm going to have to get my first cresties from you! :)