View Full Version : might sound crazy but....
03-04-04, 07:56 PM
Hi, I know this is a very slim chance, but I've been looking at banded iguanas((also known as fiji island iguans, latin name, Brachylophus fasciatus)), came across them in a site, and remembered what beautiful animals they are. Now I had researched allot on them a few years back, but had just gotten into owning reptiles and assumed since there listed endangered they would not be available for captivity, but I know this isn’t always true.
What I'm wondering is if anybody has heard of these guys in captivity, and if so who I could contact too find out about owning a pair . I'm assuming it would be costly, because there rare, but I would really like too know, are there any in north america?? Anyone know?,
03-05-04, 12:55 AM
I'm guessing that it would be breacking the law by owning a pair of endagered animals without a permit.
03-05-04, 06:57 AM
Fiji Island Iguanas are listed under CITES Appendix I. There are some in North America, and I have heard of the odd one being offered. I believe the going rate is around the vicinity of $5000 US.
Just as an FYI, Appendix I animals require a CITES permit from the country of export as well as an import CITES permit issued by the governing fish and game authority of the importing country. It's not impossible, but it wouldn't be easy either. The hardest part will likely be finding someone that is willing and able to optain export paperwork for them.
Best wishes,
PS - did anyone notice I didn't make any wise cracks about Crutchfield? ;)
03-05-04, 01:04 PM
In the USA, one would also require a special permit to possess them under Lacey Act law.
03-05-04, 01:38 PM
I have seen them on a suppliers list...$7500 each olny sold as pairs
and yes that is US funds.
I asked about them becuase your right they are the most amazing lizard i've ever seen ( the metro zoo has them)
i can't remember what the time frame was to have them deliver here to toronto but I do know it was over 3mths.
He demands that the encloser be built and photos and full payment are required....this guy can supply anything....he deals mostly with zoo's and very rich clnts......he was very nice to spend sometime talking with me as i have nowhere near that kind of coin....
this guy is just awsome and knowledgeable......if your serious i can track him down for you.....(never bought anything from him...too high end) ..if you ever get them you have to let me come by a photograph Brachylophus fasciatus man that would be soo can't wait to win the loto
03-05-04, 03:36 PM
hey, i agree with you completly, lol, win the loto is the only way id get them at this point and time, ut there will be a day hopefully when ill own a few of them , not today though, thanks everyone,
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