View Full Version : Hacking away and found a snake

03-03-04, 10:46 PM
A while back me and my brother were hacking at the dirt for no reason, then we stopped to talk and when I turned back to dig at the dirt there was a little snake head sticking out so I picked it up and it was alive. (it was a whole and healthy snake) It was a little brown snake it was also my first brown snake sighting ever.

03-06-04, 10:31 PM
Hehe. Cool story. Funny how things like that happen...

03-07-04, 10:02 PM
Yeah and to think it was in December.

03-08-04, 11:17 AM
LOL, I just found a little Dekay yesterday while blowing leaves in the yard. Poor little guy lol. My blower cranks at over 200 mph and this little guy was hanging on for dear life with his tail wrapped around a tuft of grass and his body waving in the wind :o So he got moved to near the pond. First snake of the year. But the calls and emails are starting to come in.

Gregg M
03-08-04, 11:57 AM
I hate when they vent on you....... That stinks....... When I was younger I thought they were called Dekays because of how bad they smelled......LOL

03-08-04, 11:01 PM
LOL, Greg, actually it was named after James Edward DeKay, but the name fits ;)