View Full Version : Cornsnake closeups

09-09-02, 01:10 AM
<img width="591" height="474" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/PhotoLoft/Asset20/2002/09/08/10069/10069926_0_4836.fpx,0,0,1,1,591,474,FFFFFF">
Year old snow

<img width="1425" height="705" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/PhotoLoft/Asset20/2002/09/08/10069/10069924_0_8609.fpx,0,0,1,1,1425,705,FFFFFF">
3 year old butter

Need to do soething with my flash... keep getting really strong reflections.


09-09-02, 07:32 AM
Fantastic looking butter.Wicked looking eyes.Very nice

09-10-02, 01:35 PM
If your flash is TOO strong, get a sheet of tracing paper and put over the flash bulb, this will help difuse the light.

09-27-02, 09:58 PM
also you can use a decent image editor to adjust the brightness if the picture isn't too washed out

09-29-02, 05:30 PM
your pix are awesome

09-30-02, 11:33 PM
also you can use a decent image editor to adjust the brightness if the picture isn't too washed out

Can't do much with an editor if there's glare like on the butter close-up... the bright spots don't have any other detail to enhance or darken, just... monochrome white.

Oh, and Kurzix, thanks... I'll give that a try.


Big Mike
10-01-02, 10:16 AM
Wow, when you say close-up...you mean CLOSE_UP :D

That snake's head on me screen is as big as my head.

Nice pics

Nikki Gervais
10-03-02, 09:06 AM
Ever cute! I love snow corns :)

10-08-02, 10:31 AM
Love the color, the butter phase of corn is my most desired corn snake. Great pics and gorgeous snake, I'm sooo jealous!!!

One day I hope to have one myself :)

Again, great pics!


10-16-02, 10:04 PM
i really want a snow corn after seeing that pic.........