View Full Version : When will they breed

03-03-04, 02:49 PM
Hi, besides many other pets, I have two albino Boa Constrictors

One is Bryo who is a 5 foot long male snake.
The other is Queen, who is a 6 foot long female snake.

They live in my cousin's old living room, which is 2400 sq ft by 1700 sq ft [is that large enough for them?].

The room is rarely visited by people, except of course unless I am with them. Also, the room has been remodeled, to look as closely as possible to the native habitat of boas.

I have a question though, when will they start breeding?

I am in no serious rush for young snakes, but it'd be nice to have an idea.


03-03-04, 02:56 PM
They live in my cousin's old living room, which is 2400 sq ft by 1700 sq ft

How can a room be "square feet" by "square feet" anything? Is there a 4th dimension that I don't know about? Square feet is a measurement of area. How is your room an area x an area??

And 2400sq feet is the size of a small house! Why are you housing your boas in a small house?? Try two 6x2x1.5 foot cages. That might give you more results.

03-03-04, 02:59 PM

Not to sure what you are trying to say but lets say....

The size of the room you descride is like 2 houses next to each other, if this is the case yaeh that is enough room for a 100 snakes that size, lol. Once you add "sq ft" that means 2400 sq ft is really something like 1200 long x 1200 wide average.

But if its a mistake and you mean 24 feet x 17 ft that is more than enough for the boas. Each boa at that size would be happy with a 6 long x 3 deep x 2 high cage and in breeding season it will hold 2 of them.

These boas could have started breeding them in the fall of last year already. But I am assuming you did not raise these boas from babies either. So better yet do alot of research and reading before you jump into breeding these guys since it seems you do not know what your dealing with on these as adults at the moment.



03-03-04, 03:01 PM
Thanks, and it was a mistake with the typing.

It is 24 X 20 feet.

03-03-04, 03:09 PM
I hope they weren't breeding last year, being that they are only 6 feet now. That is a little on the small side for a female boa.

03-03-04, 03:15 PM
No, they were not breeding by last year.

I just want to have an idea of when they will start breeding so that I will know when to get everything [such as incubator] ready for the eggs if necessary

03-03-04, 03:22 PM
boas give live birth, they dont lay eggs

03-03-04, 03:23 PM
I was speaking in regards to Tony's comment. As for when they WILL breed, I think your question should be when they SHOULD breed. Personally I would separate them until the female is of a better size. Chances are he will try to breed her now, and in my opinion, six feet is much to small. Also, weight and girth has a big play is when a snake is ready to breed, possibly more-so then the actual length of them. You also won't need an incubator, as they are live-bearers.

03-03-04, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by WhiteBoa
No, they were not breeding by last year.

I just want to have an idea of when they will start breeding so that I will know when to get everything [such as incubator] ready for the eggs if necessary

Ummm Boa constrictors do not lay eggs, they give live birth.....

LOL there must be an echo in here.....

03-04-04, 08:17 PM
My female gave birth at 4 years of age........... wasn't expecting it so young, but I had kept them together for a while and "voila " She had 20 babies the first time, 18 the second, and 38 last year, after taking 3 years off. She's pregnant again now ......... Cheers !! Les

03-04-04, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by tHeGiNo
and in my opinion, six feet is much to small. Also, weight and girth has a big play is when a snake is ready to breed, possibly more-so then the actual length of them.

Age and condition should be the determining factor. Some Colombians may be at their full length at around 6'. True most Colombians are still too young at that length, some mature snakes may not have passed it either. 4-5 years and good overall weight is a better guide, IMHO.