View Full Version : What size tub can a Honduran adult be kept in?

03-02-04, 08:13 PM
I'm getting a rack with 32qt Sterilites (23.5x11.5x6). Is this too small?

I'm thinking about maybe a Tangerine Honduran.

03-02-04, 08:23 PM
i am pretty sure that is good for an adult honduran.

03-02-04, 09:36 PM
That size container would be borderline for a full grown six foot monster, best would be anything in the 30'' X 16'' for large females. If you don't plan on breeding, get yourself a male which are usualy smaller.


03-03-04, 10:20 AM
Thanks guys! I was thinking male too for the same reason - that seems to be why I always go for males, just to be safe.

03-03-04, 10:25 AM
Totally agree with Marc - too small for a big female but fine for the majority of males. Hondurans are great snakes - you will find it quite a change from your ball python and mex black - but there is nothing quite like a hondo - hope you will share photos when you get yours,

mary v