View Full Version : Hi all~
Hi all~
I am finally back from my trip from Hong Kong~
just wanted to come in and say hi to you all and hope that everyone will have a great breeding season!
For all those corn lovers, who's already got plans for breeding projects?
Anyone willing to share?
I have some breeding plans already and will post some of them later on (since I just came back not too long need some rest...)
03-01-04, 12:12 PM
welcome back, I was wondering where the resident expert on corns went to! lol
03-01-04, 12:20 PM
Hey Simon,
Welcome back!
For this year I'm pairing a hypo motley with my anery het for motley for clutch 1. For Cluth 2 I'm pairing her with my snow corn who is also het for hypo.
For third project I'm pairing a lavander male with my female amel. For clutch 2 I'm pairing her with my snow. As I said the snow is het for hypo which was a surprise to find out. This is the amel first year producing so I'm hoping for a few surprises from her too.
Welcome back Simon;)
Too bad you were not here for the show I met some friends on saturday before the show and i was hoping to meet you to and share some beers . I guess it will be for next time;)
Did you have a nice trip? you must have seen many really nice reptiles there didint you?
03-02-04, 03:21 PM
Welcome back Simon - missed seeing your posts. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for this year. Know there will be lots of great baby corns at your place.
My corn breeding will be restricted to my creamsicle project (creamsicle to butter, creamsicle to striped, and great plains ratsnake to creamsicle or striped). I posted photos a while back - spring is definately in the air here,
mary v.
Optimus Prime
03-02-04, 05:08 PM
Welcome back brah! Missed ya jsut give me a shout and I'll get your key back to you plus we gotta get a few brews it's been a wile!
Thanks all for the kind welcome back~~
1) hypo motley x anery het motley
2) hypo motley x snow het hypo
3) Lav x amel
4) Lav x snow het hypo
Is this what you're saying? Or am I mistaking anything?
If so good luck with all these pairing! They all sound great! Can't wait to see the stuff from you!!!! Eggs!!! Hatchlings!!!!!
Yeah too bad that I couldn't make it to the show. I was going to come but then I had to stay in Hong Kong for a bit longer since I had a few more contracts to sign thus delaying my time to come back to Canada and attend the show...hopefully next time I'll be able to see you at the show!
I had a great trip! I did see a lot of reptiles and did get to meet a few herpers in Hong Kong. It was great~ plus I am going to be getting a few more asian rat snakes too!!! Yeah!!!! I'll get some photos of my 'prize' when they arrive here in Canada later on~~
Yeah I do have a few plans for my breeding projects right now. But I'll post it in my next post...this one is a bit too long right
So your breeing plans would be:
1) Cream to butter
2) Cream to striped
3) Great plains rat x Cream/Striped
Right? But then I have a question for you...if your plan 2 is cream x striped...then that means that's a pair right? But then in plan 3 it's great plains rat with either cream or striped...then what is the great plains rat? Male or female? LOL.....
Yeah it's been a while since we have gotten together and have dinner and all~ Hopefully we'll be able to do that again ~
03-03-04, 08:44 AM
Not quite, sorry after reading my post I don't how anyone could make sense of
1. Hypo Motley X Anery Het for Hypo
2. Snow het hypo X Anery Het Hypo
3. Lav X Amel
4 Snow het hypo X Amel
That's it for this year. Next year I will be breeding my normals het for hypo, motley and Lav.
Here's some of my breeding plans, but I still have some females and males that don't have mates yet and is still in the planning stage...
But here's the first plan, for corns:
1) Frosted Creamsicle M x Frosted Creamsicle F (well not pure corns but emory x corn)
2) Orange Candy Cane M x Orange Candy Cane F
3) Okeetee M x Okeetee F
4) Crimson M x Crimson F
5) Anery M x Anery F
6) Hypo (Super Hypo) M x Hypo het silver queen F
7) Opal M x Normal het lavender, amel, charcoal F
8) Butter Motley M x Amel Motley F
9) Anery Motley M x Aneryy Motley F
10) Hypo Motley/Striped M x Hypo Motley F
11) Opal or Lav M x Lav 1 F
12) Pewter M x Lav 2 F
13) Green Snow M x Pink Snow F
14) Banded M x Banded F
15) Volcano M x Bloodred F
16) Butter M x Normal het butter F
17) Upper Keys M x Upper Keys 1 F
18) Pink Snow M x Snow 2 F
19) Milk Snake Phase M x Milk Snake Phase 1 F
20) Anery Bloodred M x Charcoal F
21) Amel Bloodred M x Lav 3 F
22) Amel Motley M x Snow Motely F
23) Amel M x Amel F
24) Amel M x Upper Keys 3 F
25) Banded M x Milk Snake Phase Motley F
26) Miami M x Milk Snake Phase 2 F
27) Green Snow M x Snow 1 F
28) Bloodred M x Upper Keys 3 F
29) Butter Motley M x Caramel F
30) Ghost M x Butterscotch F
31) Silver Queen M x Upper Keys 4 F
For non corns:
1) Albino Rosy Boa M x Albino Rosy Boa F (Whitewaters)
2) Brazilian Rainbow Boa M x Brazilian Rainbow Boa F
3) Hondruan M x Tri Color Honduran F
4) Royal Diadem M x Royal Diadem 1 & 2 F
5) Ball Python 50% poss het caramel M x Ball Python 1 & 2 F
Expected Phenotype and Genetics for corns in plan 1:
1) Frosted Creams, Snow Creams
2) Orange Candy Canes
3) Okeetee
4) Crimson
5) Anery
6) Normal het super hypo, hypo, poss het silver queen (if super hypo and hypo is not the same genetics) / Hypo poss het silver queen (if super hypo and hypo are teh same thing)
7) Normal het opal & poss het charcoal, Lavender poss het charcoal & amel , Opal poss het charcoal
8) Amel Motely het butter
9) Anery Motely
10) Hypo Motely
11) Lav (if bred by opal Lav het opal)
12) Normal het lav, bloodred, charcoal
13) Snow (Green and Pink Snow)
14) Banded
15) Normal het bloodred? Bloodred? (Trying to find out what volcano corns are)
16) Normal het butter, Butter
17) Upper Keys
18) Snow, Pink Snow
19) Milk Snake Phase
20) Normal het anery a & b & bloodred
21) Normal het opal bloodred
22) Amel Motely het anery
23) Amel
24) Normal Keys het amel
25) Banded , Milk Snake Phase
26) Milk Snake Phase , Miami
27) Snow , Green Snow
28) Normal Keys het bloodred
29) Caramel het butter motley
30) Normal Keys het ghost
31) Normal Keys het silver queen
Trevor, so this is your I was wondering...cause it seemed kind of wrong..
1) Hypo Motley X Anery Het for Hypo
2) Snow het hypo X Anery Het Hypo
3) Lav X Amel
4) Snow het hypo X Amel
So you're expecting from these are:
1) Normal het anery, hypo, motley and hypo het anery motely
2) Anery het amel poss het hypo, Hypo het amel & anery, Coral Snow/Bubblegum Snow/Hypo Snow
3) Normal het opal (assuming that the amel isn't het for lav)
4) Amel het anery poss het hypo (also assuming that amel isn't het for anything)
03-03-04, 09:52 AM
Yup that's it. I have no idea about the genotype of the amel so I can't wait to see what happens. I got a nice suprise of a couple of ghost last year so who knows.
By the look of your list you are going to be very busy!
Good to hear you've made it back safely, hmmmmmmmm I wonder what your "prize" snake is?
03-03-04, 10:31 AM
Wow Simon - as always there is tons on your list to envy! Also wondering what your 'prize' snake is and anxious to see photos.
On my creamsicles - the great plains rat is still a question mark. Thought (and hoped) it was female but probes 5 scales on both sides so right in between my males and females. I will go by behaviour - if female she is with a creamsicle male, if male - with a striped female. I am hoping for female, but either will work.
Thanks for sharing the long list of planned breedings - you will have a busy spring,
mary v.
Ron & Mary v,'ll both see what the 'prized' snake is soon. LOL.....
Mary, wonder you dont know if the snake is a male or female. Good luck with finding out the sex of the cream. But you'll wont know for sure even if you see some male corns are so aggressive that they actually rape two males could breed together
Oh a little note to everyone...
The reson for this is to 1) make sure that the female gets the sperm from the males 2) if one of the male's sperm is infertile you'll have another male's sperm in there to make sure that the female gets gravid 3) if by any chance the expected sex of a snake is actually the opposite sex then it'll be ruining your breeding plan. (Like what I have this year..I got an anery motley 2 years ago and was told that it was a male...unfortunately I saw infertile eggs coming out from 'him' I guess it's a female basically ruined my plans for my anery motely x anery motley combo) 4) If a snake dies during burmation or after burmation then that would also ruin your breeding plans too.
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