View Full Version : Help With Marsh Brown Snake

02-29-04, 10:02 PM
Does anyone have info on "marsh Brown Snakes?" I picked up one from my backyard about five months ago and have been taking care of it, feeding it 1-2 earthworms weekly. Yesturday, while cutting my grass for the first time since Nov., I found two more. One seems to maybe be pregnant. The reason I say is because it does move alittle, but most of the time it just sits there. Doesn't look sick or hurt. I did put this one in a separate cage just in case it is sick or preg. I need some help with this because I cannot seem to find a care sheet for this snake. Especially if one is preg. Could she, if it is, have babies now or do they ONLY have babies in Aug-Sept??? I will need info and help if she has little ones!!!

Thanks for any help...