View Full Version : I'm back and I have the urge!

02-29-04, 08:46 PM
Okay, well I'm FINALLY off of the dreaded pet ban... haven't had a new pet since early October and have the urge. I <i>neeeeed</i> a new pet... I know that the idea of needing a new pet to settle my urge is kinda gross, but for me, that long without a new pet is like hell! So ya, now's when I need your opinions.

So far, all of my tarantulas are really docile species and all of them can be handled. Instead of getting another beginner species, I would like a species that is a bit more advanced. One that is aggressive but not deadly venemous. One that is pretty and that doesn't hide too much. Any suggestions?

02-29-04, 09:09 PM
Skip the Ts ... waste of time, in my opinion. Scorpions are where it's at. :D


02-29-04, 09:59 PM
LoL, coming from you Dave that might be a little biased. Yeah Em, where have you been? We haven't seen you for a while! Congrats on the pet ban! I love my black top desert hairy scorpions right now, yellowish green and black, aggressive to their food which is a plus, digs a lot but is also quite active... It is venomous but nothing serious to most people. There's my choice.


02-29-04, 10:01 PM
I've got an emp scorp and I love her very much... but one scorp is enough for me. I'd like another T :)

02-29-04, 10:05 PM
What about king baboon T's. They're supposed to be fairly aggressive and not venemous. If I had a T it would most likely be one of those guys.

02-29-04, 10:11 PM
Hmm... I'm also interested in the dwarf species... I think that they are just SO cool! Which dwarf species do you think would be cool to start off with?

02-29-04, 10:12 PM
I know they're not aggressive but Versicolors are very cool, I love my little guy!


02-29-04, 10:17 PM
What do you all think of the Holothele incei? They are super pretty and are dwarves.. what's their care and temperment like?

02-29-04, 10:36 PM
You'd have to ask Martin, he seems to know a good amount about them. I don't know of anyone else who cares for any.


02-29-04, 11:02 PM
Hi Emily, nice to see you back...

Please do not listen to Dave the ol'fool... he is blinded by his prehistoric animals!LOL Just kidding you Dave, scorps are fascinating animals...

Did someone say dwarfs? LOL

H. incei are really great animals, one of my personnal favourites... but I am affraid they do not fit the description you are looking for... they are not agressive and they web a lot, so you may not get to see them as much as you would like... but you still see them once in a while and when you do, they are so pretty that it makes up for not seeing them always...

They are extremely fast animals and nervous... very hardy and easy to care for... can keep pretty much like a C. cyaneopubescens... not too humid... in the wild they live in more arid parts of Venezuela for exemple, but will seek refuge under rocks where the humidity is a little higher to compensate... I have a terrarium for mating with substrate bone dry except for the under a rock that I keep humid and the female dug it's burrow right there as expected...

And hey, they can live in community according to my latest readings... I am hoping for an eggsac soon (my other one gone bad) and I will try to raise a group together and see what happens...

They are very small as adults, my full grown females are no more then 2 inches in legspan...

Take care


02-29-04, 11:05 PM
How about some sort of orb web spider? Not a T but its still a spider. They're pretty cool with their webs and colors but I dont think you can handle them. Lol. I think if your looking for a beatiful T thats more agressive but not as venemous the Cobalt Blue Tarantula is the way to go. Here is a link:

I really want one. Just gotta see if my parents will let me get one. I currently have a ban on herps! LOL. I hate them, they suck. When i only had a few things(4) I begged my parents to let me get a scorp for 20 bucks and it had only been 3 weeks but i was dying! LOL. The relief is great.

I know this one hides a bit more but it looks cool: Pinkfoot Goliath Tarantula.

You might be interested in the Greed Bottle Blue T.

I think these are really nice too. Martinique Pinktoe T. They're not just any old pinktoe either. You must check it out!

I really like all these and I have no T's right now. But whatever floats your boat! Good luck in your search.


BTW. Thanks for posting this thread Emily, cause it has rekindled my interest in tarantulas. LOL.

03-01-04, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Tarcan
Please do not listen to Dave the ol'fool... he is blinded by his prehistoric animals!LOL Just kidding you Dave, scorps are fascinating animals...

While I know you were speaking figuratively, I don't know comfortable I am with the thought of being blinded by scorpions .. especially given the toxicity of a couple specimens in my collection. :)

Scorps are fascinating, but underappreciated by many. I suppose you know what that is like, given that the species you drool over are often not the same as those of the rest of us.


03-01-04, 07:23 AM
Hi Dave,

Yes, you are right, I certainly know how it feels...

Scorpions are really fascinating animals and fact is that if I had unlimited time, money and room ressources, I would probably learn more about them and go for it... but one cannot have everything anyway...

Take care


03-01-04, 01:04 PM
Personally, I think nothing beats a Brachypelma smithi/emilia for looks, size, and personality combined.....a smithi was my first T back in 1978, and I have never liked any species more.

03-01-04, 01:17 PM
B.smithi/emilia don't come near the requirements that Emily has layed down, though. They tend to be quite docile.


03-01-04, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by skinheaddave
B.smithi/emilia don't come near the requirements that Emily has layed down, though. They tend to be quite docile.


True, they are not aggressive at all...if she wants sone like that, the baboons are the way to go...Usumbara oranges are great, but tend to hid too much.

03-01-04, 02:01 PM
Glad to hear your pet ban has been lifted! ;)

New Ts are always an excellent choice :D But the question always remains: Which one to get next?!

Look around and pick what attracts you most is what I suggest! Don't set any specific criteria such as more aggressive. Many species fall in an in-between category of skittish, flighty and defensive so aren't catogorized as "aggressive".

I just got a nice lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian salmon pink), a second grammostola aureostriata (Chaco Golden Knee) along with some cute a. avic and a. seemanni slings.

I had a kick with more aggressive species but it has lessened quite a bit and my focus is back on more docile species. Pretty and aggressive spiders tend to hide A LOT! I never see my Cobalt and Usumbara! I only get to see the legs of my Feather leg and unfortunately, I just recently lost my Indian Ornamental... :(

Anyways, the added stress that comes with dealing with such species is keeping me from getting many more. I'll stay with those that I have and maybe replace the ornamental that I lost but otherwise I am focusing on my collection of aphonopelmas, avicularias and brachypelmas.


03-03-04, 09:34 PM
Thanks for all the help!!! Heh... from the looks of it, dwarfs have really caught my eye!!! They just sound SO cool!! The H. incei is what caught my eye the most... hopefully, after more research and if I'm still as interested in them, I'll have one or two incei's :) They sound awesome! Again, thank you all :) You've been a big help (like always!)

Andrew vV
03-07-04, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by JeffT
What about king baboon T's. They're supposed to be fairly aggressive and not venemous. If I had a T it would most likely be one of those guys.

Great spider. Once you put it in its container, it WILL burrow, and you will probably never get a good look at it again:(
Well, maybe when its time for a larger enclosure:)

T. blondi arent colourful, but they are big, dont web a lot, and tend to not attempt burrowing in captivity(at least not to any degree)....just give them a hide and LOTS of food. Oh yeah, they are usually fairly cheap as well:)

03-09-04, 04:51 AM
hmmm i would say a GBB or A Genic although they arent that agressive

03-09-04, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by SaIiLdVaEnR
I know they're not aggressive but Versicolors are very cool, I love my little guy!

I found a versicolor in a pet store and couldn't find any information on them! Do you have any good care sheets on them or know of any good sites to go to?