View Full Version : No bowel movements ??

02-29-04, 01:15 PM
Hi, I recently rescued an old savannah monitor, he was suffering from many things, it was posted in here, with greater detail, I've had good success (so far) at recovering him, he's on anti-biotics, being treated for mouth rot and other infections as well, he's eating well anything I put in, and will eat right from my hand no problem, also drinking again, but he has yet too have a bowel movement in just over a week, about since he's started eating again, I have no idea if this is normal or anything I'm more in too dealing with my pythons and boas, then monitors, so is this anything too worry about, and if not when is it something too worry about and how do you deal with it normally ?? I know with my snakes I just soak them in luke warm water and it works every time, (even if I wasn't soaking them for that reason lol) , is this true with monitors as well ?? I have been soaking him regularly, too help with his dehydration, he just soaks it up and drinks allot more while in there. any advice would be great, thanks,

P.s. I would also like too thank everybody who reply too my original posts. and e-mailed me with advice, I still have yet too reply too thank those who e-mailed me but I've just been busy,

02-29-04, 01:52 PM
If hes drinking alot of water, it should help...... Mineral oil via a syringe is also good for loosening up any impaction.

03-01-04, 04:19 PM
I heard that bathing would also aid the dehydration problem.
Nice work!!:)