View Full Version : Pic of my daughter and I.........

02-28-04, 02:32 PM

This was taken about 3 years ago, before I had anything of my own..........;) ......well I still don't have any snakes, I'm working on the hubby still about that........:(

02-28-04, 02:41 PM
nice pic, your daughter looks like she's having a great time :D

I edited your post so that pic would show up, rather then having to click a link to go and view it :)

02-28-04, 02:43 PM
She was having so much fun......thanks for changing that, I am yet to figure that whole thing out...:confused: I can be a bit of a dip sometimes.........;)

02-28-04, 02:49 PM
Great pic :) Your daughter looks exactaly like you :)

02-28-04, 04:32 PM
Yeah spitting image. Great shot.


02-28-04, 06:49 PM
Good lord! Talk about having a "mini-me". :D

I thought cloning was not yet legal..... hehehehe

She's adorable. I love seeing kids with snakes especially.

02-29-04, 11:13 AM
Yes, theres apparently no mistaking that she's mine..........lol

Best part is she loves reptiles as much as I do........she's 9 now (was about 6 in the pic) and I told her if she's good I might bring her to the next show..........;)

03-01-04, 10:32 PM
Awesome picture! Aside from your commom physical traits, it looks like your daughter also shares a love for herps! :)