View Full Version : Guinea pigs vs bunnys vs rats

02-28-04, 01:15 PM
I am interested in creating some discussion on the pros and cons of feeding rats, rabbits or guinea pigs to adult BCI's. Presently, I feed jumbo rats to Jake, one every 10 days. Honey Bun recently switched to 2-3 lb rabbits, and as she is still a litttle underweight for her size, she also gets them every 10 days or so. These are F/T food, not live. I am considering switching my BCI's and BP to guinea pig F/T. What are the group's feelings/thoughts/experiences with this?

02-28-04, 04:35 PM
I have heard that GP's are very fatty for BP's.....but I'm not for sure on it.

02-28-04, 06:47 PM
I think she's talking about BCIs here. :)

I've heard of boas getting addicted to Guinea Pigs, and refusing anything else after getting them. Nousrishment-wise, I have no idea what GPs are like, but I stick with bunnies for my adult BCIs, because they are cheaper than jumbo rats, but I have heard that rats have more actual nourishment than rabbits. I'd love to see actual numbers though... I'll see what I can find.

02-28-04, 06:59 PM
Invictus have you seen this chart? Its one of the best I have found.



02-28-04, 07:36 PM
Are those american prices, sorry for kind of taking it off topic...

02-28-04, 07:56 PM
Those aren't prices. That's a nutrional guide giving values of protien/fat etc for each type of feeder animal as well as many other rodents and mammals.


02-28-04, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the link, Marisa! :)

02-28-04, 08:18 PM
i couldnt make heads nor tails from those charts but thanks for the link
maybe i will try and figure it out when im not so tired

02-28-04, 09:54 PM
Very Cool site Marisa!! It looks like a GP gives you more energy per gram than either rat or bunny, but that energy will come from fat, not protein. Rats are highest in protein, but lowest in fat and energy. Bunnys kind of split the difference. So, rat=diet food, pig=fast food, and bunny=Atkin's diet???? LOL!

02-28-04, 10:50 PM
I have fed GP,s many of times to my boas Back in the days when feeders were hard to come by, Some weeks they would get rabbit some weeks GP,s and some weeks rats. The problem with GP,s is they are high in fat and they are not as available as rats and rabbits.

02-28-04, 11:37 PM
I am considering switching my BCI's and BP to guinea pig F/T.

I think she was talking about both BCI's and BP's, Invictus :D

02-28-04, 11:51 PM
Thats a great link, thanks Marisa! I have been looking all over for this for some time.

I have considered guinea pigs as an alternate source of prey, but it is very difficult to obtain a steady supply of F/T, much harder than rabbits. I currently stick to rats, but will use rabbits whenever I can get my hands on them at a fair price.

02-29-04, 12:39 PM
DOH! *rubs eyes* Thanks Matt. Turns out I'm the idiot. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. B*stard. :)

Thanks for the link, Marisa!!! We should all keep that handy for when this question gets asked again. :)

02-29-04, 02:21 PM
So far I have never used Guinea pigs, but from what my supplier says if you get Ball Pythons on them it can be rather hard to get them off it after. As for BCI, not sure but it can be the same case as well I figure.

I simply use mice, rats and rabits only.



02-29-04, 03:51 PM
Thats sad, I didn't even catch that I was right! lol, :) oh well.

That is only what I've heard, and if fast food is way to fatty for us, then the bp equivelent of fast food would probably be just as bad. lol :)

02-29-04, 06:01 PM
I was planning of breeding GP's, as a source of large prey for my big girl. I presently buy jumbo rats from Ian Muir and he has lots of them in stock. I also get bunnies from a woman in Victoria F/T, but I would like to have a source that I control as regular food for the big girl. I worry about not being able to get large prey for her. Not a lot of people in Victoria keep the large snakes anymore and I wonder if the supply of feeders could end up reflecting that. I also don't want to breed rats because they gross me out! :)

02-29-04, 06:48 PM
GP breeding IMHO is not worth it. Although your house and routine may be better than mine, which could make it easier. I don't know what you keep so if you already have guinea pigs and are used to their needs maybe it would be o.k. for you personally.

The cage size needed by GP's, the constant hay/veggies, the stink, and the low litter size puts me off though.


03-01-04, 01:58 PM
ya, GPs only have like 3 or 4 a litter and need a large size cage (although I'm sure for breeding purposes that could be sized down.) But they do reguire the "ruffage" of hay on a daily basis, fresh fruits and veggies as well. Plus they can be so noisy!

I would say it would be easier to breed 4 or 5 female dwarf rabbits to one male. And keep them in a rack type system with dark larger rubbermaids. They need hay on a daily basis as well. But if you put a smaller rubbermaid in cornor and fill it with hay they will likely train themselves to go "potty" in that cornor. But they do and can get hair balls so they have to have a daily supplement of pineapple or papya tablets. But atleast they don't squeal like a pig! lol

03-08-04, 11:02 PM
Would a high protein diet in reptiles affect temperament in the way that it does mammals? High protein with low fat and low carbs can boost aggression levels. Just wondering if it could turn a calm snake into a snapper :)