View Full Version : This is for all of us........
Gregg M
02-27-04, 09:36 AM
This will cause a problem for all of us including our friends in Canada........ They want to stop import AND export....... Here is the link........ Read up and sign......
02-27-04, 09:42 AM
Hummm just read the reply part of an idiot on the bottom.....
WTF is he doing? He wants the reptile importation to be banned.... In case he didn'T know, stop importing and you will also eventually end up without anymore reptiles...
If there are no more imports, pet stores will not sell reptiles anymore, and all the blood lines will be the same so 15 years down the road, we will end up with health problems on reptiles, either emunity systems that are weakened or apparent physical problems...
Anyhow, I will sign the petition, but that dumbass signs the petition saying he is for the banning...
Recent Discussion:
Reptile Education: "I am the proud owner of 4 healthy captive bred chameleons. I agree that reptiles should no longer be imported. Besides it being proven that captive bred reptiles live longer than wild caught reptiles, there is tons of info via the internet on the cruel and inhumane way these creatures are shipped and kept as "prisoners" sometimes being shipped 50 in a bag with no oxygen holes or food and water. It disgusts me that you would rather have these gorgeous creatures captured and tortured than to breed them and let the wild reptiles live in peace. "
02-27-04, 10:57 AM
Exactly, all though I hate the thought of bringing reptiles in, in that fashion makes me sick. But I believe that if the reptiles are brought in with/under better conditions then it would be fine.
Instead there should be a limit or something. We need new bloodlines so there will not be problems in the future.
If PEOPLE would practice better sanitary conditions then there wouldn't be as big of a problem, now would there?
I sort of trailed off, it's just another futile attempt, and will probably go nowhere. I DID however, sign the #1 petition for "Save SpongeBob Squarepants". Man, that guy rules!!
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