View Full Version : Normal and Albino Chacoan Horned Frogs...PIC!!! >>>

Paul McCleary
09-08-02, 01:37 AM
Ceratophrys cranwelli

I don't normally house members of this taxon together - but it did make for a terrific photo-op!

09-10-02, 09:52 AM
Hahaha yeah little piggies will gobble eachother down in a second...lol :eek: :p Love those guys, great pic!

Shane Tesser
09-10-02, 06:34 PM
hehehe, love the sign...and nice little guys too!!!

Paul McCleary
09-12-02, 12:33 AM
Hey - Glad you folks like the pic! (I do too!)

- gatorboy

09-12-02, 07:24 AM
hehe that is great I would hate to be a fly on their wall :)

09-24-02, 07:52 PM
hey great pic
where'd you get the sighn