View Full Version : things found while herping
Retic chic
02-26-04, 08:55 PM
Has anybody found anything weird or strange while herping? We go field herping in many different areas, and have often found more than just herps. Antlers, arrowheads, fossils just to name a few. Old farmyards are often a source of curiousities and antiques as well. If you have found something, feel free to share it here.
02-26-04, 10:22 PM
marijuana crop
02-26-04, 10:27 PM
No word of a lie, I found a vibrator with the batteries still in it lol I took a picture lmao
Scales Zoo
02-26-04, 10:43 PM
Stewart, you are going to take me herping when I'm out there aren't you good buddy....
Serpent lust, how did you know there were batteries in it. You obviously touched it.... ewwwww.
The coolest thing I ever found while herping was some dead calves. Not very exciting you think... A few went missing each week, we finally found that they had been dragged hundreds of yards to a big cave, that had big cat prints around it - must have been a couger or mountain lion, which is a rarety in this area.
02-26-04, 10:52 PM
How big was the crop? and yeah give me a call I'll go with you too.
I found an injured red tailed hawk once. Thats about all I can think of at the moment.
02-27-04, 02:04 AM
Arrowheads, antlers, fossils...tons of bones and carcasses.
02-27-04, 03:42 AM
skinned beavers
02-27-04, 04:10 AM
Not something I found, but something I didn't find- my way back to the truck. Me and a buddy had to spend the night somewhere in the middle of Yosemite without any gear (Observing herps, not collecting btw).
02-27-04, 06:53 AM
A dead body once
02-27-04, 10:56 AM
Scales_Zoo: I actually picked it up with my ex boyfriends jacket! lol
02-27-04, 02:12 PM
I find ALOT of porn, ALL the time, and adult toy packaging................weird
One time i walked in on something between two people i know *wink wink*....that was weird, cause we were in the woods. they didnt notice it was me, i was in full camo and gaiters, and my whole field herping out fit.
I look like a loser wearing it, but i love it, i think the herps have a harder time seeing me, even though im 6.5 ft tall and push 300 lbs!
02-27-04, 07:25 PM
I found a brand new table router in the woods last year, its a Sears Roebuk (sp?) and we don't have that in Canada so that was cool. I also found a Chev Silverado (no wheels), Jeep grand cherokee, albino foxsnake, green iguana, a nude and very confused lady (I called the cops for her) and a gold chain with a carved wooden cross on it. I also found a pretty big crop of pot in one of my study areas. Cool thread :)
02-27-04, 08:48 PM
in jamaica i found quite a bit of marijuana... thats about all though
When we were kids, my brother and I found an abandoned house in the middle of the woods. Out on a local farmers property. There were all kinds of neat stuff. racks of old polyester clothes from the 50's I guess.
We brought our friends back and I made up a big ghost story of how the farmer had a mentally challenged child that they locked up in the basement. We told them that the kid lost it and killed the farmers wife blah, blah, blah - it was now haunted by him. The kids were terrified. We pointed out places where he had done blah, blah. My borther really got into the "lie" too.
The farmer caught us back there and chased us off. It really added to the drama of it. I loved it. We kept that story going for the whole summer. Good times. Thanks for the memory!
What is with all this finding of marijuana ?!?! I must be looking in the wrong areas. Note to self: go herping more often and bring burlap sacks to carry the spoils home. Best thing I ever found was a chainsaw and snowblower that were brand new and still full of gas.
Cheers, Ryan
02-27-04, 09:59 PM
I'll be giving guided "herp" tours for the low low introductory price of $100 per person. No guarantees though.
02-27-04, 10:10 PM
yea, i wasnt herping but we had a fire in the middle of a feild. and i noticed a bushy plant growign right beside teh fire. sure enough was a marijuana plant, just a baby.
maybe the herps love it. :)
02-27-04, 10:50 PM
Are you guys herping or hemping?
Never found anything except a garter wraped around a 4 barrel carb on an old ford thunderbird.
02-28-04, 04:43 PM
swampwalker: did you "collect" you find??
I once found my stolen bike when I was a kid--like 2 yrs later and miles away from where it was stolen, I had forgotten about it, but had memorized the serial#. ( I think I could still recite it haha)
-Bowling ball at the bottom of a quarry-- Fred Flintstone's??
-Bag with a diamondback rattlesnake in it in the everglades-- collector must have forgotten it!
I'm sure there are others that will come to me.
found a really cool balloon, i blew it up only to figure out it was a condom
02-28-04, 09:27 PM
swampwalker doesn't collect. he is very much interested in the conservation of animals.
in jamaica if you grab the plants you get shot if you get caught. i dont bother. not worth my life...
02-28-04, 09:30 PM
i wasnt really herping either but near my house theres a ton of trees and in there are tons, and tons, of idea
03-01-04, 03:15 AM
lol well i find lots and lots of used condoms *yuck* - porn movie boxes lol my bf gets all excited about those cuz he hopes someone will leave the movie in them lol boys - and out in the middle of nowhere in the forestry park we were doing an overnight field day (lol i like to call them field days.. makes me feel like im back in school on a field trip) and we found what looked to be a brand new deep freeze... we walked about three more miles down the mountain and found the box it had been in. its really weird because theres no way possible to get a car or truck or anything like that up there. you can barely take a four wheeler through there because the trees are so close together.
but the coolest thing ive ever found was while i was rock climbing last summer. i stuck my hand in a hole right above my head that i couldnt see in the get a better grip and i felt a little sting. pulled my hand down and there were two puncture marks and a bit of blood. worked my way on up and found an injured milksnake in a birdsnest. so i sat down and bandaged my hand real fast (didnt wanna infect it.. there was poison ivy all over that cliffside and im only allergic to it if it touches an open wound.. yea werid huh. i could take a bath in it and it wouldnt bother me lol) but anyway.. there were no eggs or birds there. it looked like more than likely a hawk or something of that sort snatched him up and was saving him for later. but i could tell he was suffering, so i stuck him in my backpack and took him to our local vet. she fixed him right up. he stayed in recovery for about a week so she could make sure the stitches didnt get infected, and we released him back around the same area that we found him as soon as she said she thought hed be ok. i hope hes doing well, and i hope the bird found some more lunch lol.
03-02-04, 01:21 AM
No, I didn't collect my find. I don't collect herbs or herps.
03-02-04, 01:42 AM
Golfballs, the oddest thing to find miles out in the middle of a mountain range. I bet everyone finds these odd finds themselves while out. I have found arrowheads, rare gems and such, even a gold nugget in a creek. Found old Indian ruins, which is common here in AZ. Abandoned camp sites that were many years old.
And to top it all of, at the age of 13 while hiking and catching some garters, my brother, a friend and I found a campsite (not abandoned) with several bags of soil, water lines and dozens of marijuana plants strung about a hillside. We checked the tents, and were loaded with food and one had several remote control cars. We told my dad whom went back and collected some for himself.
Retic chic
03-02-04, 09:09 PM
Great to see there are so many budding herbetologists on the forum.
herbs is for 10 years olds :D
03-16-04, 03:50 AM
First time out this year 2 bullfrogs and yes pot and to think when I used to smoke it I couldnt buy it.:(
Tom Cat
03-21-04, 11:27 AM
Couple weeks ago while coming back from Florida, I stopped at an old house to lift some tin. Didnt find any herps right away but did find an old bootleg operation. I thought that was a cool 'Southern experience' but the best was still to come. On my way back to my car, I went to lift an old sink and found a full grown Copperhead sunning itself right beside it. I took a picture, I'll try to post it later. Thanks Tom
bootleg operation?
bootlegging what?
=( i wish i could find cool stuff when i go herping. one time i was going threw the woods and i heard some thing heavy, very slowly walking around and making little bits of noises, i got pretty scared for a minute thinking it was a bear but then i heard a moo-i had wakld up to some ones farm.
03-21-04, 02:50 PM
hmmm the only thing i found herping are bullfrogs, snappers, and one time a found a used "small" condom next to a school, no lie. Those kids.....
03-21-04, 09:05 PM
A unopened box of unused condoms, really "interesting" to say the least.
03-24-04, 12:06 PM
yeah, i find condoms ALL the time too, that and if i started to save i would have a sizable womens panties collection!
04-02-04, 05:58 PM
I once found a 5 foot garter snake attacking and eating a chipmonk
04-02-04, 10:53 PM
C.M Pyrrus-- was it a Titleist?? You see, I hit this really good looking monster drive on the 8th tee and ...............
04-02-04, 11:11 PM
LOL..funny you asked...
I just went herping again this last Sunday. Not much. I went out tlooking to see if I can find some local cerberus....Just a few lizards and that was about that. I did by chance find another golf ball, and this one a Titleist. Funny how they end up in the oddest places. I mean, seriously, these darn things are everywhere!
04-03-04, 11:38 PM
Yeah, they won't let me play at the local Country Club anymore..I hit it too far....haha... I KNEW I jacked that one!
anybody with strange finds this season?
07-07-05, 01:36 PM
Some interesting things found wow. All I find, is pot, and lots of it by the end of the season.
I don't anything interesting, but I get some nice photographs of wildlife.
Cool thread,
07-07-05, 01:53 PM
So far the odd things for this season are:
A mower
Illegal street racers doing their thing
Playboys up to wahooo
A Scarlet king before 9PM
A new species for my county in a kind of built up area
An albino Ground Skink
A mud snake that would actually eat something besides its recorded foods
Useable pool supplies (Pump + Motor, was brand new)
A dead cow - you do not want to find one of these!
A 13ft alligator
A thought to be locally extict species of woodpecker
and a few other things that I just don't seem to remember......
The Gawd
07-07-05, 03:34 PM
Wow an albino fox snake that would have been awsome, i found a normal fox snake around 7 feet, But yeah lots and lots and lots of weed, avg apx 10lbs a year, searching for herps is a good cover hehehehe..... ;);) the weirdest thing i found tho was a shotgun, i left it and qiuckly left, prally a huge crop somewhere around, but i got the hell outta there..... I love Herpin
07-10-05, 08:24 PM
yea me and snakehunter do find alot of porn but for the record we also find brown snakes where they arent even supposed to be and plentyful too
07-18-05, 11:12 PM
There is an unofficial trash dump near Jasper, TN off exit 159 on i24. some tossed out some tin there and I pulled it over into the wooded areas and spread it out. I stop by there like once a week and flip it. Nothing big, but usually some coral snake feeders. Stopped by there about 8 months ago and found two homosexuals making at the dump in an SUV….guess that has been the strangest thing I have found while field herping.
lol are you sure you guys arent finding these things in people back yards. You know hopping fences doesnt count as feild herping.
Also id be carefull about robbing any plants i would kick the crap out of anyone stealing from me, and im not a drug dealer.
I almost stepped on a baby deer once. I was walking along with a freind and we see a doe. walk abit further and i just stopped to look at her and i look down and it took me 30 seconds to notice it a foot away from me lying perfectly still. I kicked a rock at it and it sprung up so fast it scared the crap out of me!! lmfao
It then took off along side mama.
great stuff
Wow!! you canadians have all the fun . Dope and naked people . I need to go to canada to herp search All I saw last time was a sub-adult newt and a mud puppy.
I was a few hours from the city and went into a pond to look about. One of us found a tiger salamander pup (axotyl ?) inside a sealed P.J.s bag and it was still alive.
07-21-05, 10:20 PM
wow where do you guys go herping?
07-26-05, 09:10 PM
I've found alot of odd things while herping over the years. I was once herping in a national park well off the beaten trail when I rolled over a log and found a rubber horny toad and a ceramic angel. Quite a bit of Marajuana like others. Lots of porn a few very cool antiques in long abandoned houses and barns. Also stumbed across a very old moonshining opperation in an abandoned barn. Lots of stolen stuff. Found a dead body last yr while looking for Diamon Back terrapins last yr along the tx coast near the La border. A buddy of mine found a C.pricei slide and lots of herp books and meticulous herp notes on herp locales on the floor of an abondoned house, turns out it used to be the house of a former herpetologist who had gotten out of herps.
08-08-05, 06:08 PM
Once when I was a kid we went to check out a pond in a park just off of downtown & found around a dozen Natives all whacked out & drinking Lysol spray. I remember we ran outta the woods pretty quick LOL We always wondered prior that why there were always dozens of empty cans of Lysol down there. That was the day we found out why. Mark
08-08-05, 07:32 PM
That is alot of crazy s***, I don't think I've found anything even close to being crazy, of course everywhere you go your gonna find the odd condom, I've found many of those but thats about it. You guys are lucky at least if you find no herps you still get some interesting (to say the least) things thrown in!!
08-20-05, 11:32 AM
When i was younger(7 yrs), down by the port credit river, i had a record of catching 86 garter snakes and 19 brown snakes in one day, i put them all in one tank and counted them, now im 16, 9 years later, if you go down there u cant even find end trails of snakes. Others stuff ive found herping, salamanders - they where beside this bar/grill place, under these stone, it was really moist there and Fillllllleeedd with creepy crawlys, i geuss thats why they kicked it there, Ive also found garter and brown snakes, the brown snakes are vicious little motherr effers. and ive had some close encounters with norther water snakes which are even more vicious then the brown snakes. Came across some ganj about 8 plants behind a coffee time once, took those suckers straight home. I also found around 5 foot garter snake before, and well over 5 foot female corn ( was a beaut) Ive caught a giant snapping turtle that always used to come to the same spot in this river, i tracked where she put her babies, waited till mid spring for them to hatch, and watched the beauty unfold. I picked a couple up and stuff, they are just the cutest little buttons. Also saw some weird lizards that are mighty fast that bask right beside the water at rivers, no clue what they where, they reminded me of agnoles. Oh yea, dont forget the earwig infested porn mags and used condoms :)
09-13-05, 11:05 PM
I one foung i billion dollars of solid 100 carrot gold bars, boy, was that a day to
09-14-05, 06:31 AM
its not really wierd, but interesting, i live in michigan and me and my friend found a red sided garter in a tree and kept it for a while. The wierd thing is, red sideds arent up in michigan,
also we found a black and grey garter, what kind are those?
10-04-05, 06:52 AM
deleted due to exaggeration!
Them and Us
10-06-05, 10:56 AM
coolest animals i found herping were timber rattlers and some cool copperheads. and some ringneck snakes which are rare here. got musked all over by a good size nothern water snake. that was fun. i found an old roman constantine coin and there were always condoms strewn about in this one particular area an area where we always found copperheads. explain that one.
10-16-05, 08:38 AM
Lots of pot, lots of gay people, lots of stolen vehicles, a four-wheeler that had been stashed (I re-stashed it and rode it for a few months until it disappeared), a backpack full of hockey cards that I sold for $1000, red-eared sliders laying eggs (in Ontario), a new salalmander species for my county, possibly a new toad for my county (could be released though), a cow, a mountain bike, several burned snowmobiles, thats all I can think of.
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