View Full Version : chameleon shedding

02-25-04, 09:41 PM
i was wondering, how often do chameleons shed? and is there anything i can do to help it?

i have had a jackson for about 1 1/2 months, andhe hasnt shed yet. but when i got him he was just finishing off his first shed.

02-25-04, 09:51 PM
Umm smaller growing chams will shed offen, while adult chams will not shed as offen my adult panther sheds about every 4 months or soo. Increacing humitidy is the best way to help a shed.

02-25-04, 10:33 PM
ya, myne is not shedding that much, buts hes an adult, and he sheds about every 4 months like you said


02-26-04, 08:51 AM
well mine is close to an adult, so maybe thats why. and also, i usually have it very humid. during the day its about 60+, and after i spray it it goes up to about 85-90.