View Full Version : new veiled

02-25-04, 08:43 PM
Hello all, ive just purchased a baby veiled and am wondering what the best way to get him to eat. I understand they dont like to be handled all that much and dont want to move him. He tends to hang out on his higher branches ans i am free ranging the pinheads, most of which crawl around on the bottom of the cage.
Any suggestions?

I grabed a peice of egg carton with about 10 or so crickts on it and put it near his face and he ate 2 of them but the rest just jumped off. what should i do.
anything helps, thaks,

02-25-04, 09:09 PM
Umm baby veilds eat like pigs. all long as u have enoug food that he could heat he should be fine. all my babies would run to the bottom when they spotted food. He may be still stressed from the new enviroment. what kind of set up do u have. make sure u have some sticks on the bottom that will be good pirches for him to eat off hope that helps...

02-25-04, 10:36 PM
Yup, if you just got the cham like 2 days ago, they are quite shy, and might not eat, but some would eat like crazy when you first get him. How old is the chameleon??? 3 months??? pics would be nice:)
