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View Full Version : U keeping any secret from... ?

02-25-04, 01:16 PM
I won't ask what ? :)

But are you keeping any secrets from friends, family, fellow herpers, etc.. in relation to what you have in your collection.

Many reasons are valid, i.e.
- have a hot snake, don't want some people to know
- have expensive snakes, don't what people to think I'm rich
- have a rare or semi rare specie, don't want people to break in my house.
- Have something most people don't have, don't want them to copy me, I wanna be different.
etc etc...


02-25-04, 01:52 PM
Every one at my school knows about my emphatuatio, but im trying to start to down play it, just in case some one says ..... ______ is illegal, and some one might say hey, jacob has two of those.

so im tryin to back off the blatentism

02-25-04, 02:30 PM
Everything I own is in my signature. All perfectly legal. Of course, if I did have an illegal herp, I'd still say the same thing.... so why would I answer this poll truthfully? LOL

02-25-04, 02:59 PM
I do lots of the above.

My roomates have lots of 20-25 year old "punk" friends who are my friends as well for entertainment value but I don't trust them as far as I could throw them. So they do not know what I keep. Only my closest most trusted friends know what we have, and thats about less than five people.


02-25-04, 03:04 PM
Well im mainly keeping a secret from my dad. I wasnt supposed to get a new snake but I did anyways. He never comes in my room so thats a good thing but its only a matter of time before he finds out that on sunday I did go to the show and get a BRB. Doesnt matter really though, mom knew so I have some back up.

02-25-04, 03:31 PM
LOL, Big V, thats exactly waht i did, only i got a new corn

02-25-04, 05:13 PM
i have a few tiny secrets but as long as animal authority people dont know i think i'm ok =) shhhhhhhhh

02-25-04, 08:45 PM
I need to check some by-laws before I start telling people. My family and close friends know, but they also know to keep it hush hush.

02-26-04, 11:32 PM
its illeagal to keep them were i live, so i try not to tell anyone in my area who i dont trust

02-27-04, 10:16 PM
i keep stuff to the locals quiet. i post pretty much everything. i just dont let people in my collection unless they really want to see it. but now my collection is tiny. so i am not as worried.

02-27-04, 10:38 PM
I have my collection posted all over my cube at work.

03-01-04, 04:57 PM
I really don't care what people think because if they say something then they will have to deal with me. So I don't care because basically if I have something illegel then me and my dad are the only ones that know about and he will support me in anyway he can in my herping, even if they are dangrous or illegel herps because he knows I can take care of them with little chance of getting hurt( thats not saying I won't get hurt because there is always that chance.)

03-01-04, 06:27 PM
i just dont tell people( exept close friends) becuase i dont feel the need to parade the fact that i keep herps. the herps i buy i buy for me, not to show off , but because i enjoy them. if i wanted to show off i would buy a rolex or something. ( plus the little fact that here in england i dont know how local councils would feel about me keeping boas etc, people here all seem to have some crazy idea that every snake in the world is out to get them and according to the general public, ALL snakes are poisonous, viscous monsters LOL oh know, please help me, my corn snake is constricting my finger, call an ambulence LOL)

Senator Gracken
03-01-04, 09:21 PM
Being a college student with no money my parents are going to freak out when they find out I bought an ATB and am working on the funds for another(Wymen I've kept that female at the top of my list and hopefully soon....).... but until that happens i'll continue to use the ATb (Cuddles) in my upcoming term projects. Should be fun.

03-01-04, 09:50 PM
I have my little secrets too but i don't usually tell people i have herps just because .....

anyway, you wyz do you keep secrets??

(will you be at the salon des reptiles??)

03-01-04, 09:53 PM
No secrets to keep here, just like Invictus, everything I own is in my signature.

03-02-04, 11:08 AM
I just have to keep my mexmex and rosy t away from the landlords. The geckos they know about.

03-02-04, 05:25 PM
we have stupid by laws to not listen to

03-05-04, 03:21 AM
hahaha i agree with urd. alot of people are really short sighted about herps. especially when i get on the city transit and talk to the bus driver about my kingsnakes. more often then not, they react something like "kingsnakes...ooooo..very dangerous. most deadly of all snakes" and a few bus drivers have even argued for 20 minutes with me on how "deadly" kings are. lots of people have absolutely no idea what a kingsnake is, or even what a cornsnake is. and what's really funny is when people hear that i have some ball pythons, they ask if them being a huge snake is a problem. THAT is funny. anyways, i don't really keep what i own a secret, i just didn't really have the time or patience to fill everything out when i registered for this forum. if you gotta question about what i own, pm me. i'll gladly talk for hours about my animals, cause it's FUN!

03-05-04, 01:02 PM
Yes, I 'm keeping secrets, and I'm good at it. Get it?

03-07-04, 06:49 PM
Who are you to ask and why?...lol