View Full Version : H20

02-24-04, 09:06 PM
Hey everyone!

I recently aquired a 6ft female BRB. She is not the prettiest BRB, but she's a big, healthy girl.

My question is, is it "normal" for a snake like this to drink ALOT of water? She is eating great, and the cage is very humid < clouded glass with h20>. I see her drinking for 3 minutes straight!


Billy T

02-24-04, 10:17 PM
Hmmmm. That seems a little excessive especially if its 3 mins straight. Maybe she is dehydrated. My rainbow I just got doesnt drink a lot and her enclosure is always foggy. I cant be a complete help but Id really like to know whats going on too. I say just dehydrated and needs a good drink. But if it continues bring it to a vet just to make sure everything is okay. Plus make sure your temps are right. If its too hot in there it will drink water for long periods as well.
Cheers, Ryan