View Full Version : Storeria dekayi

02-24-04, 08:58 PM
This is a large female I found last year. You always rely on these guys when nothing else is out, neat little snakes.


02-24-04, 09:00 PM
a full body shot of the same snake....

02-24-04, 09:03 PM
Thats a Brown correct? where are you located, and what species of brown is that

02-24-04, 09:17 PM
im guessing canada lol

02-24-04, 10:30 PM
I live in Ontario so this ssp. is Storeria dekayi dekayi, the northern brown snake.

02-25-04, 12:42 AM
Nice, very nice. :) Great head shot.

02-25-04, 12:44 AM
Wow, nice pics!!

Double J
02-25-04, 01:16 AM
I found 4 little baby browns basking in the sun on Easter Sunday last year. They were the first herp of the year for me. That was a great day... I found green frogs, leopard frogs, painted turtles, a HUGE common snapper, the brown snakes, and some really cool carp and catfish. I live in Waterloo Ontario, Canada...and it was a warm, beautiful easter Sunday. That snapper was the largest have EVER seen... and I have seen some monsters. I just kinda glanced toward the shallow stream we were walking by... and the slight difference in his color from that of the stream bottom tipped me off. He was such a beast.... I wish I had brought my camera. A great time to see the herps cruising around doing their thing...The sad part os that that area will probably be developed within the next couple of years. There are new subdivisions creeping in.. it's sad. But on a high note.... they were thriving.... and I will be their this year too.. same day same time. That is of course... weather permitting. But you never know.. I hear you'd be surprsed what you may see on a cold day. I can't wait for this ridiculous icy weather to subside... LONG LIVE SPRING AND SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!
Double J