View Full Version : How Common is This?

02-24-04, 07:19 PM
I went into my reptile room last night to do all the nighttime chores.........:rolleyes: and Chester had his front foot stuck on his head, I mean seriously stuck.............he was climbing around using the other three legs. By the time I went into the enclosure to help him, he had gotten it free on his own. It almost looked like he was holding his head from a headache. He seems no worse for the wear and is being a complete a$$hole as usual.........

Have any of you experienced this before:confused:

02-24-04, 07:22 PM
LOL i have never seen that b4 lol. mabey he was all twisted up and got it stuck lol. I wouldent worrie about it just make sure he is acting normal. LOL too bad u couldent get a pic of that lol.

02-24-04, 07:25 PM
It was hilarious.............I feel so guilty, but I called my husband up to see him before I tried to help him............I couldn't resist, someone else had to see it.............I knew I wouldn't be able to describe how quirky it looked without someone else seeing it.................

02-24-04, 09:24 PM

02-24-04, 09:38 PM
lol ha ha, wow never heard that happen before, but myne only does that to get his shed off


02-24-04, 10:44 PM
mine got one of his legs tangled in the shed from his tail, but nothing like that.

02-25-04, 01:12 PM
my cham had grabbed one back leg with the other thinking it was a branch and dragged it around for awile. never on the head tho lol