View Full Version : How to sex a Trantula

09-07-02, 03:37 PM
I was wondering how to tell what sex my Rose Haired Trantula is ?
Thanx Biggz:cool:

Scotty Allen
09-07-02, 03:49 PM
Once your tarantula has completed it's final shed, usually a year or so in males, the male will have an obvious hook on the inside of each 1st leg. I haven't kept spiders for a long time but from what I remember this indicator applies to most species. Males are generally smaller than females as well.

09-07-02, 04:02 PM
If i remember well too .. a males abdomen is considerably smaller than the females ..

09-07-02, 10:57 PM
Phil -- thanx for your help !! i think it's a female she is pretty big .
I was interested in buy another breed of Trantula besides the "Rosehaired" what would you suggest and where can i get them ? I live in Minnesota there are a couple of shops locally but i don't really trust them w/that stuff

Thanx Again Phil , Marcus aka :Biggz