View Full Version : my corn! :(

09-07-02, 03:32 PM
Vertigo hasn't eaten a thing for the past month and a half.. every week i throw a fuzzy and a pinky in there and he acts like he's scared of it! he will just watch it then when it comes close he hides under the substrate.. i'm getting worried :(

09-07-02, 03:36 PM
Has he been a good eater in the past?

How long have you had him?

09-07-02, 03:44 PM
have u tried feeding it other things?

09-07-02, 04:12 PM
First thing to check.

09-07-02, 04:18 PM
How old is he/she?? Try to feed the snake while holding it. They usually feed more readly while being handled.

good luck...

09-08-02, 07:32 AM
Yeah, like Jeff said, check the temperatures. Ideally, the cool side should be 75 degrees and the warm side should be 85 degrees. Also, I would strongly recommend you to try and feed your snake dead prey. Feeding live animals holds serious risks to your snake. Try covering a dead mouse with some anole skin and then slowly wean the snake off of this and back on to normal mice.

09-08-02, 07:35 AM
also try putting the snake into as small a deli-cup type container as would be comfortable with the prey and seal the lid. check him after an hour

09-12-02, 04:56 PM
I am sorry i haven't responded... ssnakess.com messed up my login info :( .. anyway, now it's all fixed, and i did everything you mentioned before i posted. I even left a live hopper in there for 3 days (taking him out at nights so it won't attack vertigo) and nothing... i did everything is there anything else? he is getting kinda thin

09-12-02, 05:06 PM
have you tried squishing their lil heads??? (((No not he stubbern snake's head)))

09-12-02, 05:19 PM
yes i have... and i have considered squishing the snakes head as well ;) lol j/k .. i love vertigo :( ..

09-13-02, 12:20 AM
have you smeared the brains all over the mouse???

09-13-02, 10:12 AM
I have also heard of people dipping the pinks head in chicken broth. Also I have heard of corns that would only take freshly thawed pinks. Try freezing one for him. Another thing you could do is get some sort of feeder lizard and rub the pink with the liz. I have also used small brown paper bags. Place the snake and the pinky in the bag and leave them for a while and see what happens.

09-13-02, 04:31 PM
How old is the snake, How good of a feeder was he/she are your temps ok and have you tried to leave him alone in a deli cup with brained pinky for 12 hours? (VENTILATED) Sometimes being in the dark helps too.