View Full Version : Crestie is digging

02-24-04, 05:30 AM

Last night one of my cresties was digging and she was sitting under the mulch. I took her out because she didn't move.

Is this normal? She is 9 months now
I have a couple



ps. srry for my poot english nut I am from the netherlands and I am just 16. I still have to learn a lot

02-24-04, 07:57 AM
who knows... She might be diggin for egg deposition..

I'ain't exactly a lizard guy, so it's just a wild guess..


02-25-04, 08:09 PM
does she look like she might be carrying eggs? I'd make sure she has somewhere good to lay, in case she does... and after you notice her digging make sure you leave her alone.. my girl will change spots if you watch her digging.

she probably does. it's hard to keep cresteds from breeding! i even tilted the tank completely sideways (substrate everywhere!) to move them in a car once.. they just kept right on breeding....