View Full Version : Pinky For A Bibron Gecko?

02-23-04, 06:37 PM
I recently read in the recent issue of Reptiles that Bibron Geckos can have the occasional pinky to help fatten them up a little bit. Now, I'm assuming that I'd have to cut the pinky up so that she could take it down easier, but, I'd find this to be a rather gorey task... is there any particular method for this?

02-24-04, 07:18 PM
You shouldn't have to cut up a pinky if it is small enough and the gecko is large enough to be eating them. Day old pinky mice are quite small. If you really wanted to cut it up, I would suggest doing it while frozen and letting it thaw naturally. I'm not very experienced with Bibrons geckos feeding habits, but most small lizards prefer live pinks.

02-24-04, 07:50 PM
Well I have kept/bred bibrons for quite a while now and although I know they could eat a pinky (or anything else small enough to fit in their mouth including their mate's tail) I can tell you I've never done it. I don't think bibrons run around in the forest stirring up mouse nests to eat their young ;) Fledgling birds, small lizards - sure. Mice? Hmm.

An adult male is quite capable of eating a pinky. I'm not so sure about females - they are obviously much smaller. Maybe this is what was referred to in the article.

Nonetheless, I prefer an purely insectivorous diet for my bibrons. Before and after pseudo-brumation, I fatten them up with waxworms. I leave mice for the snakes ;)

For reference, an adult male bibrons had a head width of about 1". I think that is big enough for a whole pinky.

03-09-04, 05:27 PM
Thanks for the info guys, it's much appreciated. :)